September 26


New Testament in a Year – 1 Timothy 3

By Ron

September 26, 2024

1 Timothy, New Testament

Overseers and Deacons - 1 Timothy 3:1-16

Understand It

  • What did Paul say about the person who wants to be an overseer? (3:1)
  • What qualities must an overseer possess? (3:2-7)
  • Why is good family management a qualification for being an overseer? (3:4-5)
  • Why shouldn’t the overseer be a new convert? (3:6)
  • Why must an overseer have a good reputation? (3:7)
  • What qualities must a deacon possess? (3:8-10, 12)
  • What is required before someone can serve as a deacon? (3:10)
  • What sort of person must the wife of a deacon be? (3:11)
  • What do those who serve well gain? (3:13)
  • What benefit is there in serving well? (3:13)
  • Why did Paul write these instructions? (3:14-15)
  • What is said about Jesus in the hymn Paul quoted? (3:16)

Apply It

  • What quality from the lists in 1 Timothy 3 do you want to improve in your life? How could you start?
  • In what way can you serve in your church?
  • What hymn or song could you include in your devotions this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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