October 3


New Testament in a Year – 2 Timothy 2

By Ron

October 3, 2024

2 Timothy, New Testament

A Workman Approved by God - 2 Timothy 2:14-26

Understand It

  • What results from quarreling about words? (2:14)
  • How did Paul encourage Timothy to present himself before God? (2:15)
  • Why should we avoid godless chatter? (2:16)
  • What had Hymenaeus and Philetus done? (2:17-18)
  • What must everyone who confesses the name of the Lord do? (2:19)
  • What sort of articles are found in a large house? (2:20)
  • How could someone become an instrument used for noble purposes? (2:21)
  • What was Timothy encouraged to flee? (2:22)
  • What was Timothy encouraged to pursue? (2:22)
  • What produces quarrels? (2:23)
  • What must the Lord’s servant do and avoid? (2:24)
  • How should we deal with those who oppose the Lord’s servants? Why? (2:25)
  • What did Paul hope would happen to those who opposed the Lord’s servant? (2:25-26)

Apply It

  • What can you do to present yourself as one approved to God?
  • How do you need to change in your daily speech to weed out senseless and godless chatter?
  • What can you do to flee temptation?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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