New Testament in a Year – Acts 22
Paul Speaks to the Crowd - Acts 21:37-22:21
Understand It
- What did Paul ask as he was about to be taken away? (21:37)
- Why was the tribune surprised that Paul could speak Greek? (21:38)
- In establishing his background, what did Paul say? (21:39)
- What did Paul request? (21:39)
- What language did the apostle use in speaking to the crowd? (21:40)
- How did Paul address his audience? (22:1)
- What made the crowd quiet down? (22:2)
- What did Paul say about his rearing and training? (22:3)
- What was Paul like before his conversion? (22:4-5)
- How was Paul converted to Christ? (22:6-9)
- How did Paul learn about the nature of his future ministry? (22:10-16)
- Who was Ananias? (22:12)
- Why did Paul leave Jerusalem? (22:17-18)
- What did Paul’s reply to the Lord show? (22:19-20)
- What did the Lord tell Paul to do? (22:21)
Apply It
- What words, gestures, or practices can you use to show respect in how you speak to others?
- With whom can you share your personal story of faith this week?
Paul the Roman Citizen - Acts 22:22-29
Understand It
- How did Paul anger the crowd? (22:22)
- How did the mob express their intense anger? (22:23)
- Why did the commander order that Paul be taken away and beaten? (22:24)
- Why was the commander confused by what was happening? (22:24)
- To what fact did Paul call the centurion’s attention? (22:25)
- What was reported to the commander? (22:26)
- What did the commander ask Paul? (22:27)
- Why did the commander tell Paul that his citizenship had been bought? (22:28)
- How did Paul cap the commander’s comment? (22:28)
- Why did the commander become alarmed? (22:29)
Apply It
- For whose salvation will you pray each day this week?
- What do you want to remember the next time you have to deal with a difficult person?
Before the Sanhedrin - Acts 22:30-23:11
Understand It
- Why did the commander order the Sanhedrin to assemble? (22:30)
- What bold claims did Paul make? (23:1)
- What order did Ananias give? (23:2)
- What did Paul say in reaction to the high priest’s illegal command? (23:3)
- How did those standing nearby challenge Paul? (23:4)
- Why did Paul respond the way he did to the challenge? (23:5)
- How did Paul disrupt the proceedings? (23:6-9)
- How did Paul divide his enemies? (23:6-9)
- Why did the Pharisees side with Paul? (23:9)
- Why was Paul in extreme danger? (23:10)
- Where was Paul taken? (23:10)
- How was Paul comforted and encouraged? When? (23:11)
- How did the Lord confirm Paul’s plans to go to Rome? (23:11)
Apply It
- How can you prepare for the next difficult step in your spiritual journey?
- In what trying situations will you need to show patience and perseverance this week?
- What reminder can you use to help you be wise with your words this week?
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