New Testament in a Year – Acts 23
Before the Sanhedrin (cont’d) - Acts 23:1-23:11
Understand It
- Why did the Jews form a conspiracy? (23:12)
- Who took an oath? Why? (23:12)
- How many men were involved in the plot against Paul? (23:13)
- How were the chief priests and elders accomplices in the plot against Paul? (23:14-15)
- What did the plotters want the Jewish elders to do? (23:15)
- When Paul’s nephew heard about the plot, what did he do? (23:16)
- How was the young man able to go before the commander? (23:17-18)
- What did the commander ask Paul’s nephew? (23:19)
- What did the young man tell the commander? (23:20-21)
- How did the commander respond to the informant? (23:22)
Apply It
- In what setting this week will you need to be prepared to stand up for the truth?
- How can you prepare to face hardships this week?
- How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to protect you from the attacks of others?
- What kind of practical support can you give someone facing difficulty right now?
Paul Transferred to Caesarea - Acts 23:23-35
Understand It
- Why was Paul sent to Caesarea? (23:23)
- Why was the apostle escorted from Jerusalem at night? (23:23)
- What orders did the commander give to get Paul away from danger? (23:23-24)
- How did the commander protect Paul? (23:23-24)
- To whom did the tribune write a letter? (23:26)
- Who wrote a letter to whom? Why? (23:25-30)
- Why did Claudius Lysias send a letter along with Paul? (23:25-30)
- What did the tribune say in his letter to Governor Felix? (23:25-30)
- In his letter, how did the commander bend the truth? (23:27)
- What important fact did Claudius omit from the record? (23:25-30)
- What important declaration did the commander make concerning Paul? (23:29)
- Where did the soldiers take Paul the first night? (23:31)
- Who escorted Paul the rest of the journey? (23:32)
- When the cavalry and Paul arrived, what did the governor do? (23:33-35)
- After Felix learned that Paul was from Cilicia, what did the governor determine to do? (23:34-35)
Apply It
- As a Christian, what is one way you can protect the rights of the poor and weak?
- How can you show your support for the government’s civil authority?
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