August 24


New Testament in a Year – Ephesians 2

By Ron

August 24, 2024

Ephesians, New Testament

Made Alive in Christ - Ephesians 2:1-10

Understand It

  • Before conversion, what was the spiritual position of the Ephesians? (2:1)
  • What three characteristics mark the condition of a person without Christ? (2:2-3)
  • How are both Jew and Gentile alike? (2:3)
  • Why did God make those who were dead alive with Christ? (2:4-5)
  • What describes God’s action in making us alive? (2:5)
  • What position has God given Christians in Christ by His divine power? (2:6)
  • What will God show in the future eternal state? (2:7)
  • What is the means of salvation? (2:8)
  • Where does salvation come from? (2:8)
  • Why can no one boast in his own salvation? (2:8-9)
  • How is the believer God’s work of art? (2:10)
  • What is the purpose of God’s workmanship? (2:10)

Apply It

  • With whom can you share the news of God’s mercy? How?
  • Empowered by the Holy Spirit, what good work for the kingdom of God can you do this week?

One in Christ - Ephesians 2:11-22

Understand It

  • What did Paul command the Ephesians to remember? (2:11)
  • Why was being uncircumcised a desperate problem for the Gentiles? (2:11-12)
  • How did Christ’s work on the cross transform the condition of the Gentiles? (2:13)
  • Who brought peace to Jewish and Gentile believers? (2:14)
  • Why did Christ end the hostility between Jews and Gentiles? (2:14-16)
  • How did the enmity between Jews and Gentiles come to an end? (2:15-16)
  • What is the result of believing the message of Christ? (2:17-18)
  • In Christ, how did the Gentiles achieve new spiritual and social status? (2:19)
  • On what foundation were the Ephesian believers built? (2:20)
  • How was Christ part of the foundation? (2:20)
  • How was the church described as living and growing? (2:21)
  • *How were the Ephesians becoming part of God’s dwelling? (2:22)
  • How did God live in the Ephesian Christians? (2:22)

Apply It

  • How can you show God’s love to an "outsider" this week?
  • To what groups or individuals can you extend the peace of Christ this week? How?

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