August 29


New Testament in a Year – Ephesians 5

By Ron

August 29, 2024

Ephesians, New Testament

Living as Children of Light - Ephesians 4:17-5:21

Understand It

  • In what way were Ephesian believers instructed not to live as Gentiles? (4:17-19)
  • How did Paul contrast the Ephesian Christians with the Gentiles? (4:20-21)
  • In what way does God want Christians to change? (4:22-24)
  • How should new Christians stop living? (4:22)
  • How should new Christians begin living? (4:23-24)
  • What should we keep in mind concerning lying, anger, and stealing? (4:25-28)
  • How should believers speak to one another? (4:29)
  • How can the Holy Spirit be hurt? (4:29-30)
  • Of what five vices are believers to rid themselves? (4:31)
  • What positive commands did Paul give the Ephesians? (4:32)
  • How are Christians to imitate God? (5:1-2)
  • From what practices should Christians abstain? (5:3-6)
  • Whom do we need to avoid? Why? (5:5-7)
  • Why should Christians not become partners with non-Christians? (5:7-8)
  • How does life in darkness contrast with life in the light? (5:9-20)
  • How should Spirit-controlled believers relate to one another? (5:21)

Apply It

  • What would be the first step for you in changing an old pattern of behavior?
  • What can you do this week to make your Christian living more consistent?
  • How can you relate to others today in new, joyful ways?

Wives and Husbands - Ephesians 5:22-33

Understand It

  • What service should wives render to the Lord? (5:22)
  • What is the relationship of the husband to the wife? (5:23)
  • How is Christ’s headship of the church an example to the husband? (5:23)
  • How is the relationship of the church to Christ an example to wives? (5:24)
  • How are husbands commanded to love their wives? (5:25)
  • How did Christ prepare a bride for Himself? (5:26-27)
  • How should husbands love their wives? (5:28-30)
  • How is the bond between husband and wife greater than the bond between parent and child? (5:31)
  • How does the bond between Christ and the church illustrate the love of a husband for his wife? (5:32)
  • In sum, what are the responsibilities of the husband and wife toward each other? (5:33)

Apply It

  • What is something you can do to help a Christian couple strengthen their marriage?
  • How can you treat your spouse with more respect and love this week?
  • How can you express your thankfulness to Christ today for making you His bride?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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