August 16


New Testament in a Year – Galatians 2

By Ron

August 16, 2024

Galatians, New Testament

Paul Accepted by the Apostles - Galatians 2:1-10

Understand It

  • On a return trip to Jerusalem, whom did Paul take along? (2:1)
  • Why did Paul go to Jerusalem? (2:2)
  • Why did Paul seize the opportunity to meet with the other apostles? (2:2)
  • What was Paul’s motive in bringing Titus along on the Jerusalem trip? (2:3-5)
  • What did the "false brothers" do? (2:4)
  • How did Paul and his partners respond to the Judaizers? (2:5)
  • How did the Jerusalem leaders respond to Paul’s message? (2:6)
  • How did James, Peter, and John respond to Paul’s mission? (2:7-9)
  • What was the "right hand of fellowship"? (2:9)
  • What was the only thing that the Jewish leaders requested of Paul? (2:10)

Apply It

  • How can you express today your appreciation and respect for older Christians who have helped you in your spiritual walk?
  • What can you do to help a poor person or family this week?

Paul Opposes Peter - Galatians 2:11-21

Understand It

  • When Peter visited Antioch, what did Paul do? (2:11)
  • Why did Paul rebuke Peter? (2:11-13)
  • Why did Peter feel free to eat with Gentiles at one time? (2:12)
  • Who pressured Peter to stop eating with Gentiles? (2:12) Why?
  • How did Peter’s behavior influence other Christians? (2:13)
  • What did Paul say in response to Peter’s hypocritical behavior? (2:14)
  • What did Paul say to those who were Jews by birth? (2:15)
  • How is a person justified before God? (2:16)
  • How does a Christian avoid being a lawbreaker? (2:17-19)
  • How is the new life characterized by faith and not works? (2:20)
  • How does Christ live out His life through Christians? (2:20)
  • How had Peter set aside God’s grace? (2:21)
  • If righteousness were possible by keeping the Law, why would the Cross have been absolutely useless? (2:21)

Apply It

  • How do you plan to confront troubling behavior the next time you see it in your local fellowship?
  • In the future, how can you show courage in resisting well-meaning Christians who want to impose their own rules on others?

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