August 17


New Testament in a Year – Galatians 3

By Ron

August 17, 2024

Galatians, New Testament

Faith or Observance of the Law - Galatians 3:1-14

Understand It

  • Why did Paul scold the Galatians? (3:1)
  • What rhetorical question did Paul ask? (3:2)
  • How did Paul expect the Galatians to answer his question? (3:2)
  • Based on Paul’s second question to the Christians, how did he think the Galatians felt the Law could help them? (3:3)
  • Why did Paul ask the Galatians if their suffering had been for nothing? (3:4)
  • On what basis did the Holy Spirit perform miracles? (3:5)
  • How did Paul’s use of Abraham as an example of faith strike a blow to the champions of the Law? (3:6-8)
  • How did Paul link the past with the present? (3:9)
  • What is the curse of the law? (3:10)
  • How does a person become justified before God? (3:11)
  • Why is combining faith and Law impossible? (3:11-12)
  • How does Christ save people from the curse of the Law? (3:13)
  • Why is Christ’s redemptive work effective for both Jews and Gentiles? (3:14)

Apply It

  • In what situation can you share the blessings of Christ with someone else this week?
  • How can you help new Christians get a clear understanding of their position in Christ?

The Law and the Promise - Galatians 3:15-25

Understand It

  • What spiritual truth did Paul explain by using an everyday example? (3:15-16)
  • Through whom were the promises of Abraham fulfilled? (3:16)
  • How long after the promises to Abraham was the Law given? (3:17)
  • What was the relationship of the Law to the covenant? (3:17)
  • What was the promised inheritance? (3:18)
  • What was the purpose of the Law? (3:19)
  • How was the Law put into effect? (3:19)
  • The Law required a mediator; how was the promise given to humanity without a mediator? (3:20)
  • Why did God give both the Law and promises? (3:21-22)
  • How did the Law pave the way for the gospel? (3:22-23)
  • What freedom did faith in Christ bring? (3:23-25)
  • How did Christ’s coming change the role of the Law? (3:24-25)

Apply It

  • How can you help an unbelieving friend understand that being a good, law-abiding person is not enough to get right with God?
  • What life-changing promise of God do you want to hold on to this week?
  • For what spiritual inheritance can you praise God today?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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