October 12


New Testament in a Year – Hebrews 1

By Ron

October 12, 2024

Hebrews, New Testament

There is a short introduction available for the book of Hebrews. You can read it here.

The Son Superior to Angels - Hebrews 1:1-14

Understand It

  • How did God speak to people in the past? (1:1)
  • What was God’s means for speaking to mankind in "these last days"? (1:2)
  • What unique honors or activities did God the Father delegate to Jesus? (1:2)
  • What works did Jesus do that only God could do? (1:2-3, 10)
  • Who is Jesus? (1:2-4)
  • What does Jesus show us about the nature of God? (1:3)
  • What astonishing feat is attributed to the Word of Christ? (1:3)
  • What was Jesus’ primary ministry on earth? (1:3)
  • What did Jesus do after completing His earthly ministry? (1:3)
  • What does Christ’s exalted status in heaven say about His similarity to angels? (1:4)
  • How is Jesus distinguished from God? (1:5)
  • What is the relationship of Jesus and the angels? (1:6)
  • To what extent do the angels honor the Son? (1:6)
  • What are angels like? (1:7)
  • What name or title applies to Jesus, the Son? (1:8)
  • What is Jesus’ nature? (1:10-12)
  • What will happen to the enemies of Christ? (1:12)
  • What do angels do? (1:14)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take to remind yourself that Jesus is the Son of God and worth following?
  • In what ways can you honor the Son of God as God in your worship this week?
  • Who can you tell today about the unique person of Jesus Christ?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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