October 15


New Testament in a Year – Hebrews 2

By Ron

October 15, 2024

Hebrews, New Testament

Warning to Pay Attention - Hebrews 2:1-4

Understand It

  • What did the writer of Hebrews want his readers to pay attention to? (2:1)
  • What danger awaits Christians who carelessly forget the truth? (2:1)
  • What happened to those who violated the "message spoken by angels" (that is, the Mosaic Law)? (2:2)
  • Who played a major role in delivering the Mosaic Law? (2:2)
  • What are the consequences for those who pay no attention to the gospel? (2:3)
  • Who revealed the message of "great salvation" to the world? How? (2:3)
  • Who confirmed the salvation that Jesus announced? How? (2:3-4)
  • What did God do to validate the gospel message? (2:4)
  • How did God distribute gifts of the Holy Spirit? (2:4)
  • What is the role of each member of the Trinity in delivering the gospel message? (2:3-4)

Apply It

  • What safeguards can you put in place this week to help you stay close to the Lord?
  • What are some ways you can nurture your attention span toward God this week?
  • Who can you ask this week to help you resist the temptations to drift away from Christ?

Jesus Made Like His Brothers - Hebrews 2:5-18

Understand It

  • What is our God-given place on earth? (2:6-8)
  • What is the relationship between Jesus Christ and the rest of the universe? (2:8)
  • What is Christ’s present heavenly status? (2:9)
  • What actions by Christ led to His current exalted position at the right hand of God? (2:9)
  • What was unique about the death that Christ suffered? (2:9)
  • What is God’s ultimate goal for us? (2:10)
  • What does Christ do to qualify a person for membership in the family of God? (2:11)
  • What is the relationship between Christ and those who experience the salvation He gives? (2:11-12)
  • What effect did the death of Christ have on Satan and his power? (2:14)
  • What effect did the death of Christ have on those who were enslaved to the fear of death? (2:15)
  • In what ways is Christ like us? (2:14, 17)
  • What makes Christ especially qualified to help Christians when they are being tempted? (2:18)

Apply It

  • Knowing that Christ understands your temptations, how can you respond differently today to the difficulties you face?
  • What Christian friend(s) can you encourage today with the message that Christ is our sympathetic high priest? How?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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