March 19


New Testament in a Year – Luke 13

By Ron

March 19, 2025

Luke, New Testament

Repent or Perish - Luke 13:1-9

Understand It

  • What did Jesus hear about a group of Galileans? (13:1)
  • What explanation for the tragedy did Jesus propose? (13:2)
  • How did Jesus reply to His own question? (13:3)
  • What was the story involving the tower of Siloam? (13:4)
  • What were Jesus’ listeners to learn from the two stories? (13:3-5)
  • In the parable, what did the man seek from his fig tree? (13:6)
  • Where was the fig tree? (13:6)
  • What did the man say to the person who took care of the vineyard? (13:7)
  • Why did the man want the fig tree chopped down? (13:7)
  • What did the vineyard tender suggest? (13:8-9)

Apply It

  • What godly characteristic do you want to focus your attention on this week? How?
  • How can you show acceptance to one or two people who have been falsely judged as unrighteous for their circumstances?
  • What can you do to comfort, help, or encourage someone who is suffering this week?
  • What step of repentance would communicate to God your gratitude for second chances?

A Crippled Woman Healed on the Sabbath - Luke 13:10-17

Understand It

  • When was Jesus teaching in one of the synagogues? (13:10)
  • Whom did Jesus see in the synagogue? (13:11)
  • What did Jesus do when He saw the crippled woman? (13:12)
  • What led to the crippled woman’s healing? (13:12-13)
  • How did the woman respond to what Jesus had done? (13:13)
  • Why was the synagogue ruler indignant? (13:14)
  • What rule did the synagogue ruler announce to the crowd? (13:14)
  • What did Jesus think of the religious leaders? (13:15)
  • What example did Jesus give to justify His healing of the woman? (13:15-16)
  • What had caused the woman’s malady? (13:16)
  • How did different people react to what had happened? (13:17)

Apply It

  • When can you evaluate your use of Sundays to make sure you allow for doing good?
  • What self-imposed rule or tradition do you need to modify to allow for God’s work?
  • How can you help or comfort a person in pain this week?

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast - Luke 13:18-21

Understand It

  • To what did Jesus liken the kingdom of God? (13:18-20)
  • How did the mustard seed start out? (13:19)
  • Where was the mustard seed planted? (13:19)
  • What transformation did the mustard seed make? (13:19)
  • From what can we infer that the tree became a substantial plant? (13:19)
  • What creatures came to live in the mustard tree’s branches? (13:19)
  • What contrast would Jesus’ listeners have noticed in the first parable? (13:19)
  • What did the woman add to the flour? (13:21)
  • What did the woman do with the yeast? (13:21)
  • What did the yeast do once added to the dough? (13:21)

Apply It

  • What contribution to God’s kingdom can you make this week?
  • What can you do in the next day or two to nurture your faith?

The Narrow Door - Luke 13:22-30

Understand It

  • What was Jesus doing on His way to Jerusalem? (13:22)
  • What did someone ask Jesus? (13:23)
  • According to Jesus, what is worth every effort to accomplish? (13:24)
  • What happens once the door is shut? (13:25)
  • How will the owner of the house respond to those who want to go in after the door is shut? (13:25)
  • How will those left outside try to appeal to the owner? (13:26)
  • How successful will attempts to enter the house be after the door is shut? (13:27)
  • What will those who cannot enter hear? (13:28)
  • What will those who cannot enter see? (13:28)
  • What will take place in the kingdom of God? (13:29)
  • How will the usual order be turned around? (13:30)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week toward introducing someone to Jesus? How?
  • What can you do to keep your beliefs and responses to God faithful to His Word?

Jesus' Sorrow for Jerusalem - Luke 13:31-35

Understand It

  • Who came to Jesus? Why? (13:31)
  • How was Jesus in danger? (13:31)
  • What did Jesus call Herod? (13:32)
  • What message did Jesus have for Herod? (13:32)
  • What were Jesus’ goals? (13:32-33)
  • Why did Jesus have to go to Jerusalem? (13:33)
  • What had Jerusalem done to deserve Jesus’ condemnation? (13:34)
  • To what did Jesus compare His concern for Jerusalem? (13:34)
  • How did Jesus want to show His compassion for Jerusalem? (13:34)
  • What sad words did Jesus have for Jerusalem? (13:35)
  • When would Jerusalem see Jesus again? (13:35)

Apply It

  • What step can you take this week to get a clearer sense of God’s goals for you?
  • What is one small way this week you can show compassion for your unbelieving friends?

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