March 5


New Testament in a Year – Luke 2

By Ron

March 5, 2025

Mark, New Testament

The Birth of Jesus - Luke 2:1-7

Understand It

  • Who decreed that a census be taken of the entire Roman world? (2:1)
  • What historical facts did Luke provide that allow us to approximate the date of Christ’s birth? (2:1-2)
  • What did the Roman census require of everyone? (2:3)
  • What was the purpose of Joseph and Mary’s trip to Bethlehem? (2:1-4)
  • What reason did Luke give for Joseph having to travel to Bethlehem for the census? (2:4)
  • What did Luke say about Bethlehem which indicates it was a famous place? (2:4)
  • What was Joseph and Mary’s marital status at the time of Jesus’ birth? (2:5)
  • Why was travel especially difficult for Mary? (2:5)
  • What details about the birth of Jesus do we know or can we infer from Luke’s description? (2:5-7)
  • What were the conditions in Bethlehem the night Jesus was born? (2:7)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you praise God this week for Jesus’ arrival into the world?
  • What is one aspect of Christmas that you want to emphasize more next Christmas?
  • How can you honor Jesus with your Christmas celebrations?

The Shepherds and the Angels - Luke 2:8-20

Understand It

  • At what time and place did the angels appear to the shepherds? (2:8)
  • How many angels did the shepherds see at first? (2:9)
  • How did the shepherds react when they saw the angel? (2:9)
  • To whom did the angel address his good news? (2:10)
  • What message did the angel tell the shepherds? (2:10, 12)
  • Who did the angel say the newborn child really was? (2:11)
  • By what symbol or sign were the shepherds supposed to identify the Christ child? (2:12)
  • How many angels did the shepherds hear praising God? (2:13)
  • What was the immediate reaction of the shepherds after the angels left? (2:15)
  • After finding the Christ child, what did the shepherds do? (2:17-20)
  • What kind of reactions did the shepherds get when they told others what had happened that night? (2:18)
  • How did Mary respond to the shepherds’ visit? (2:19)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you renew your enthusiasm for the message of Jesus’ birth?
  • How can you glorify and praise God with other Christians this week?

Jesus Presented in the Temple - Luke 2:21-40

Understand It

  • Why did Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple? When? (2:22-23)
  • How old was Jesus the first time Mary and Joseph took Him to the temple? (2:22-23)
  • Who was Simeon? (2:25-27)
  • How did Luke describe the man named Simeon? (2:25-32)
  • What did Simeon do with the Christ child? (2:28-32)
  • What special significance did Christ’s arrival have for Simeon? (2:26-29)
  • How did Simeon’s prophecy point out that Christ would be the Savior for the world? (2:32)
  • What did Joseph and Mary do after they heard what Simeon had to say? (2:33)
  • To whom did Simeon address his second statement about Jesus? (2:34-35)
  • What did Simeon say to Mary? (2:34-35)
  • Who was Anna? (2:36-38)
  • How did Luke describe the woman named Anna? (2:36-38)
  • What was Anna’s response to finding Mary, Joseph, and the Christ child in the temple? (2:38)
  • What were Jesus’ childhood years like? (2:40)
  • How did Luke summarize Jesus’ childhood years? (2:40)
  • What character qualities were apparent in Jesus during His childhood? (2:40)

Apply It

  • How could you express your thanks to God this week for becoming a human being to provide a way of salvation?
  • What action could you take this week to show your desire to be faithful to God?

The Boy Jesus at the Temple - Luke 2:41-52

Understand It

  • Why did Jesus’ parents go to Jerusalem every year? (2:41)
  • How did Jesus get left behind in Jerusalem? (2:43-44)
  • Why did three days pass before Mary and Joseph found Jesus? (2:46)
  • What was Jesus doing during the three days that He was on His own? (2:46)
  • What were the effects of Jesus’ questions and answers on the teachers in Jerusalem? (2:46-47)
  • How did Mary respond when she and Joseph finally found Jesus? (2:48)
  • What was Jesus’ response to His parents’ frantic arrival? (2:49)
  • How did Jesus answer His parents’ concern for Him? (2:49)
  • After replying to His parents, what did Jesus do? (2:51)
  • What do we learn about Mary through this incident? (2:41, 48, 50-51)
  • What happened to Jesus as He grew? (2:52)

Apply It

  • Of the four ways in which Jesus grew (in wisdom, in stature, in favor with God, in favor with man), which one needs the most work in your life?
  • What difference might it make to you this week if you prepared for church as if it were a visit to your Father’s house?

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