Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus - Luke 22:1-6
Understand It
- What event were the people anticipating? (22:1)
- Why was this event important? (22:1)
- What was the plan of the chief priests and teachers of the law? (22:2)
- Why were the religious leaders afraid of the people? (22:2)
- What motivated Judas to approach the religious leaders who wanted to get rid of Jesus? (22:3)
- In what way is Satan’s role in this story significant? (22:3)
- What did Judas and the religious leaders discuss? (22:4)
- How did the leaders respond to Judas’s willingness to betray Jesus? (22:4)
- What did Judas get in return for betraying Jesus? (22:5-6)
- How was Judas’s plan deceitful? (22:6)
- Why was it important for Judas to hand Jesus over "when no crowd was present"? (22:6)
Apply It
- What evidence of selfishness and greed do you see in your own life that could be remedied with the Lord’s help?
- How could you demonstrate today your own faithfulness and loyalty to a friend?
The Last Supper - Luke 22:7-38
Understand It
- What was significant about the day of Unleavened Bread? (22:7)
- What instructions did Jesus give to Peter and John? (22:8-13)
- Why did Jesus eagerly desire to eat the Passover with His disciples? (22:15-16)
- What did Jesus mean when He said, "I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God"? (22:16)
- What did Jesus instruct His disciples to do in remembrance of Him? (22:17-20)
- What did the cup represent? (22:20)
- Why did a dispute arise among the disciples? (22:23-24)
- What principle did Jesus promote in response to the disciples’ disagreement? (22:25-27)
- What did Jesus tell Simon about his future? (22:31-32)
- How did Simon respond to Jesus’ prediction? (22:33)
- How did Jesus warn His disciples of the difficult time ahead? (22:35-37)
- In what way did the disciples take Jesus’ instructions too literally? (22:38)
Apply It
- How will you prepare for Communion next time so that you will appreciate more the provision Jesus made for you?
- How can you serve others this week with an attitude of humility?
Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives - Luke 22:39-46
Understand It
- What does this passage reveal about Jesus’ habits? (22:39)
- For what purpose did Jesus go to the Mount of Olives? (22:39)
- What instructions did Jesus give to His disciples? (22:40)
- Why did Jesus withdraw from His followers? (22:41)
- What does Jesus’ prayer reveal about His own character and His relationship with the Father? (22:42)
- What did Jesus want to avoid if possible? (22:42)
- What was Jesus referring to when He said, "Take this cup from me"? (22:42)
- How was Jesus strengthened at this difficult time? (22:43)
- How did Jesus confront His own anguish and dread? (22:44)
- What does this passage tell us about Jesus’ physical and emotional condition shortly before His death? (22:44)
- What did Jesus find when He returned to the disciples? (22:45)
- Why were the disciples so exhausted? (22:45)
- For what reason did Jesus advise His disciples to pray? (22:46)
Apply It
- In the next few weeks, what might you do to develop better habits of prayer and spiritual discipline?
- What particular area of your own life do you want to consciously submit to the Father’s will?
Jesus Arrested - Luke 22:47-53
Understand It
- Who was leading the crowd that approached Jesus? Why? (22:47-48)
- Why did Judas approach Jesus? (22:47-48)
- What actions of Judas were hypocritical and insincere? (22:47-48)
- How did Jesus respond to Judas’s greeting? (22:48)
- Why did Jesus reveal His identity to His opponents? (22:48)
- How did Jesus’ followers respond to Jesus’ arrest? (22:49)
- What motivated one of Jesus’ followers to attack one of the servants? (22:50)
- How did Jesus react when one of His disciples tried to protect Him? (22:50-51)
- How did Jesus show compassion even to His captors? (22:51)
- What emotions did Jesus show during this difficult time? (22:51-53)
- What did Jesus say to the religious leaders who had come for Him? (22:52-53)
- What did Jesus mean when He said, "This is your hour—when darkness reigns"? (22:53)
- In what way did Jesus submit to the Father’s will in this situation? (22:53)
Apply It
- In what situations do you want to be more sincere and forthright?
- In what areas of your life do you need to rely more consistently on the strength of the Lord?
- In what way could you prepare yourself now for future uncertainties?
Peter Disowns Jesus - Luke 22:54-62
Understand It
- Where did the events of this story take place? (22:54)
- What had happened to Jesus? (22:54)
- For what reason did Peter follow Jesus "at a distance"? (22:54)
- What do the actions of Peter in this story reveal about his personal character? (22:54-62)
- Of what did the servant girl accuse Peter? (22:56)
- How did Peter respond to the servant girl? (22:57)
- How many times was Peter accused of knowing Jesus? (22:56-59)
- How did Peter respond to the second and third accusations put to him? (22:58-60)
- Why did the third person suspect Peter was a follower of Jesus? (22:59)
- What happened when Peter denied Jesus the third time? (22:60-61)
- What caused Peter to remember Jesus’ earlier prediction? (22:60-61)
- What did Jesus do the third time Peter denied knowing Him? (22:61)
- Why was Peter so upset and bitter about his actions? (22:61-62)
- How did Peter respond to the realization that he had denied his Lord? (22:62)
Apply It
- What could you do this week to strengthen your stand for Christ in the face of pressure from others?
- In the future, how could you encourage another believer who has done something wrong but shows a willingness to repent?
The Guards Mock Jesus - Luke 22:63-65
Understand It
- In light of what had happened before this point, what was Jesus probably feeling? (22:63)
- Who had control of this situation? (22:63)
- How was Jesus treated by His guards? (22:63-64)
- In what way did the guards mock Jesus? (22:63-64)
- Why was Jesus blindfolded? (22:64)
- What prompted the guards to mock Jesus as they did? (22:64)
- How did news of Jesus’ reputation influence the guards’ actions? (22:64)
- What was the guards’ purpose in demanding that Jesus prophesy for them? (22:64)
- What was so demeaning about the guards’ treatment of Jesus? (22:64)
- What did Luke imply about Jesus’ actions by not mentioning any details about how He responded to the guards? (22:63-65)
- In what way are the details of Christ’s humiliation significant to the overall story? (22:63-65)
Apply It
- How could you encourage a Christian who is in some way suffering for his or her faith? When?
- How can you look past the criticism or scorn people use against you for your beliefs?
- What is one way you can say thank you to Jesus for enduring humiliation for your sake?