New Testament in a Year – Luke 24
The Resurrection - Luke 24:1-12
Understand It
- Why did the women go to Jesus’ tomb? (24:1)
- What did the women find once they arrived at the tomb? (24:2)
- What happened while the women were wondering what had happened to Jesus’ body? (24:4)
- Who were the two men who appeared to the women? (24:4)
- How did the women respond to the angels? (24:5)
- What did the angels tell the women about Jesus? (24:5-7)
- Of what words of Jesus were the women reminded? (24:7)
- What did the women do after the men had told them that Jesus had risen from the dead as He had predicted? (24:9)
- How did the apostles react to the women’s testimony? (24:11)
- Why did the apostles not believe the women? (24:11)
- In what way were Peter’s actions different from the other apostles? (24:12)
- How did Peter respond to the sight of the empty tomb? (24:12)
Apply It
- How can you reaffirm your faith in God’s promises this week?
- How can you prepare yourself for your next encounter with someone who criticizes you or does not accept your testimony?
On the Road to Emmaus - Luke 24:13-35
Understand It
- Who was going to Emmaus? (24:13)
- What were the two men discussing along the way? (24:14)
- Who appeared to the men on the way to Emmaus? (24:15)
- What did Jesus ask the two men? (24:17)
- What emotions did the two men display? (24:17)
- Why did Cleopas think that Jesus must have been a visitor to Jerusalem? (24:18)
- How did the two men describe Jesus and what had happened? (24:19-24)
- How had the events of the last few days crushed the expectations of the two men talking with Jesus? (24:21)
- Why did Jesus explain the Scriptures to the men? (24:25-27)
- When did the men finally recognize Jesus? (24:31)
- What did the men recall after they reflected on their conversation with Jesus? (24:32)
- How did these men respond to their encounter with Jesus? (24:33-35)
Apply It
- What could you do this week to make yourself more sensitive to the Lord’s leading in your life?
- What could you do in the future to prevent yourself from failing to recognize God’s voice?
Jesus Appears to the Disciples - Luke 24:36-49
Understand It
- How did Jesus approach the disciples? (24:36)
- Why were the disciples frightened? (24:37)
- How did Jesus try to calm and reassure the disciples? (24:38-39)
- What evidence did Jesus give to prove He was not a ghost? (24:39)
- How did the disciples react to the evidence and convincing words of Jesus? (24:41)
- What did the disciples’ actions reveal about their understanding of what Jesus had told them earlier about His death and resurrection? (24:41)
- What emotions did the disciples display? (24:41)
- What was significant about Jesus’ eating a piece of fish? (24:43)
- When did the disciples finally understand the Scriptures? (24:44-45)
- How were the disciples finally able to understand the prophecies about Christ in Scripture? (24:44-45)
- What did Jesus explain would be the result of His resurrection? (24:47)
- What instructions did Jesus give to His disciples? (24:48)
- What was Jesus going to send the apostles? (24:48)
- What was the "power from on high" to which Jesus referred? (24:48)
Apply It
- How can you become a more regular student of the Scriptures?
- What could you do this week to settle the doubts about salvation that your non-Christian friends have?
The Ascension - Luke 24:50-53
Understand It
- Where did Jesus lead His disciples? (24:50)
- What did Jesus do for His disciples? (24:50)
- Why did Jesus bless His disciples at this point? (24:50)
- What happened while Jesus was blessing His disciples? (24:51)
- How did the disciples know that Jesus was taken up into heaven? (24:51)
- How was this time with Jesus significant for the disciples? (24:51)
- What was the response of the disciples to Jesus’ ascension into heaven? (24:52)
- Why were the disciples so joyful? (24:52)
- What is significant about the fact that Jesus’ followers worshipped Him? (24:52)
- Why did the disciples return to Jerusalem? (24:52)
- What did Jesus’ followers do after He left them? (24:52-53)
Apply It
- How can you worship and praise the Lord today?
- How can you honor Jesus for all He came and did for you?
- When could you set aside time this week to think about the many blessings the Lord has given you?
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