March 6


New Testament in a Year – Luke 3

By Ron

March 6, 2025

Mark, New Testament

John the Baptist Prepares the Way - Luke 3:1-20

Understand It

  • What different rulers did Luke mention in giving a historical setting to John the Baptist’s ministry? (3:1-2)
  • What was John’s basic message? (3:3)
  • Where did John the Baptist carry out his ministry? (3:3)
  • What Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled by John the Baptist? (3:4)
  • How sensitive was John’s welcome of the crowds who came to hear him? (3:7-8)
  • What responses did John expect from his listeners? Why? (3:8-9)
  • What attitude did John warn the people not to have? Why? (3:8-9)
  • How did people react to John’s message? (3:10)
  • What advice did John give those in the crowd who wanted to respond to his message? (3:11)
  • What practical examples of repentance did John use to help people who asked for direction? (3:11-14)
  • In what way was John becoming famous? (3:15)
  • What title were the people beginning to give John? (3:15)
  • What was John’s response to those who thought he might be the Messiah? (3:16)
  • How did John explain his phrase, "Produce fruit in keeping with righteousness"? (3:8, 11-14)
  • How did John describe Jesus? (3:16-18)
  • What finally got John thrown into prison? (3:19-20)

Apply It

  • In what areas of your life do you need to show the fruits of repentance this week?
  • At work this week, what action can you take because of agreement with God’s priorities?

The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus - Luke 3:21-38

Understand It

  • Who baptized Jesus? (3:21)
  • How were Jesus, the dove, and the voice all related in Jesus’ baptism? (3:21-22)
  • To whom did the voice from heaven speak during Jesus’ baptism? (3:22)
  • What did the voice from heaven actually say about Jesus? (3:22)
  • What was Jesus doing when the Holy Spirit descended on Him? (3:22)
  • When did Jesus start His ministry? (3:23)
  • How old was Jesus when He started His ministry? (3:23)
  • Whose ancestors did Luke list? Why? (3:23)
  • In what way could Joseph’s ancestors be called Jesus’ genealogy, even though Joseph was not Jesus’ father? (3:23)
  • Which of the names in the genealogy are the most famous? (3:23-38)
  • How far back in time did Luke trace the genealogy of Jesus? (3:23-38)

Apply It

  • In what kinds of ways can you be a minister of God to others this week?
  • To whom can you express support for his or her public ministry this week?

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