New Testament in a Year – Luke 6
Lord of the Sabbath - Luke 6:1-11
Understand It
- What were the disciples doing that irritated the Pharisees? (6:1-2)
- What were the disciples accused of doing when they picked the grain? (6:2)
- How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees’ accusation? (6:3-5)
- What historical example did Jesus use to justify what His disciples were doing on the Sabbath? (6:3-5)
- What claim did Jesus make about Himself? (6:5)
- What did Jesus’ identity as Lord of the Sabbath have to do with the disciples eating grain on the Sabbath? (6:5)
- In what setting did Jesus heal the man with a shriveled hand? (6:6-8)
- Why were the teachers of the law watching Jesus closely? (6:7)
- Why were the Pharisees and teachers angry at Jesus? (6:7, 11)
- What difference did it make that Jesus was being watched? (6:7-10)
- How did Jesus heal the man’s hand? (6:9-10)
- What did Jesus ask the crowd? (6:9-10) Why?
- How did the Pharisees and teachers respond to the miracle Jesus did? (6:11)
Apply It
- What could you do to make next Sunday a day of service to God?
- What spiritual disciplines (such as fasting, prayer, Bible study, or church activities) should you reexamine this week?
The Twelve Apostles - Luke 6:12-16
Understand It
- What did Jesus do before choosing the twelve apostles? (6:12)
- How much time did Jesus spend in prayer before He chose His apostles? (6:12)
- What details did Luke give us about Jesus’ prayer vigil? (6:12)
- From what larger group did Jesus name His twelve apostles? (6:13)
- For which apostles are we given more information than simply their names? (6:14-16)
- How many apostles shared the same first names? (6:14-16)
- What personal facts can you recall about some of the apostles? (6:14-16)
- What significance is there in the order of the apostles’ names? (6:14-16)
- How many of the apostles had already been introduced by Luke earlier in his Gospel? (6:14-16)
- What does the description of Judas Iscariot actually say about him? (6:16)
Apply It
- What do you want to keep in mind from this passage to help you in making choices in the future?
- When in the near future could you pray about God’s plan for your life?
Blessings and Woes - Luke 6:17-26
- What different groups made up the crowd to which Jesus gave this sermon? (6:17)
- What effect did Jesus’ presence have on the crowd? (6:18-19)
- Why did the crowd gather? (6:18-19)
- Besides Jesus’ message, what else was going on that day? (6:18-19)
- To whom did Jesus specifically direct His message? (6:20)
- What four groups did Jesus single out for receiving a blessing? (6:20-22)
- How did the promised blessings vary to fit the character of each group? (6:20-22)
- What blessings did Jesus promise then and which ones did He promise for the future? (6:20-23)
- What response to hardship did Jesus encourage His disciples to have? (6:23)
- Who were the disciples to think of as examples during times of suffering? (6:23)
- What times and places did Jesus give for the blessings He promised? (6:23)
- What four groups did Jesus single out for woes? (6:24-26)
- How did the woes vary to fit each group? (6:24-26)
Apply It
- What is one way you can store up rewards in heaven this week?
- In what way can you nurture the qualities that Jesus described as blessed?
- Whom can you encourage with Jesus’ words this week?
Love for Enemies - Luke 6:27-36
Understand It
- How many positive responses to mistreatment did Jesus command? (6:27-31)
- What different kinds of mistreatment did Jesus refer to in His commands? (6:28-30)
- Which statement best summarizes what Jesus said about responding to enemies? (6:31)
- How did Jesus explain the difference between His followers and those He called "sinners"? (6:32-34)
- About what three positive actions did Jesus ask, "What credit is that to you?" (6:32-34)
- What was Jesus’ basic argument in backing up His command to love others unconditionally? (6:32-35)
- What results will those who practice loving their enemies obtain? (6:35)
- What title did Jesus give to those who love their enemies? (6:35)
- Who are we imitating when we love our enemies? (6:36)
Apply It
- To what enemy in your life can you show a gesture of love?
- How can you remember to do good to someone who is unkind to you this week?
Judging Others - Luke 6:37-42
Understand It
- What specific promises did Jesus make? (6:37-38)
- How much did Jesus want His disciples to give? Why? (6:38)
- What does God give to those who give? (6:38)
- How did Jesus summarize the importance of extending grace, mercy, and help to others? (6:38)
- What will God give to each person? (6:38)
- What reason did Jesus give for discouraging the blind from attempting to lead others who were also blind? (6:39)
- How do a student and his or her teacher relate? (6:40)
- What is the main point of the parable of the plank and the speck of sawdust? (6:41-42)
- What is a person who fails to see his or her own shortcomings? (6:42)
- What is required of a person before he or she can teach or instruct someone else? (6:42)
Apply It
- In what relationship in your life do you want to show more grace, mercy, and giving? How?
- In what ways can you be a more diligent student of your heavenly Teacher this week?
A Tree and Its Fruit - Luke 6:43-45
Understand It
- What determines the quality of a fruit? (6:43)
- What specific statements did Jesus make about fruit before applying the same truths to people? (6:43-44)
- In what different but related ways is the word "good" used in these verses? (6:43, 45)
- What do the tree and fruit symbolize in these words of Jesus? (6:43, 45)
- What did Jesus say about what people expected when collecting fruit? (6:44)
- What do "thornbushes" and "briers" represent? (6:44)
- What did Jesus describe as the source of good and evil things? (6:45)
- How did Jesus describe the role of the human heart? (6:45)
- How do people ultimately know about the state of our hearts? (6:45)
- What did Jesus mean by His final statement, "For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks"? (6:45)
Apply It
- How can you cultivate the love for God that is in your heart?
- What mature believer could you talk with this week to help you store up good things in your heart?
The Wise and Foolish Builders - Luke 6:46-49
Understand It
- What inconsistency did Jesus call to His followers’ attention? (6:46)
- What three things did Jesus say the wise person did that are similar to building well? (6:47)
- To whom does the wise person go? (6:47)
- What did Jesus say His two house building examples were meant to illustrate? (6:47, 49)
- How would you characterize the wise and foolish person’s relationship to Jesus? (6:47, 49)
- How many differences can you find between the two people Jesus described in His story? (6:47-49)
- What characteristics does the well-built house have? (6:48)
- What event did Jesus describe as happening to both houses? (6:48-49)
- How are the final results different for the wise and foolish builders? (6:48-49)
- What does the foolish person do right and wrong in relation to Christ’s words? (6:49)
Apply It
- What can you do to be ready for the next storm that hits your life?
- Which of Jesus’ words in this passage do you need to heed this week?
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