New Testament in a Year – Mark 14
Jesus Anointed at Bethany - Mark 14:1-11
Understand It
- When and where did the events of this story take place? (14:1-3)
- Why did the Jewish leaders not want to arrest Jesus during the Feast of Unleavened Bread? (14:2)
- What attitude did many of the common people have toward Jesus? (14:2)
- What amazing thing did a woman do while Jesus was visiting Bethany? Where? (14:3)
- What reaction did the woman’s actions get? Why? (14:4-5)
- What caused some people with Jesus to become indignant? (14:4-5)
- What does this incident tell us about some people’s understanding of who Jesus was and why He had come? (14:4-6)
- Whom did Jesus rebuke? Why? (14:6)
- How did Jesus evaluate the behavior of the woman who poured out the perfume? (14:6)
- What did Jesus predict? (14:9)
- What did Judas do? (14:10-11)
- How did Judas betray Jesus? (14:10-11)
- How did the chief priests react to Judas’s visit? Why? (14:10-11)
Apply It
- What is one way you can show your devotion to Christ above all other things, people, or ambitions in your life? When?
- What is one step you could take this week toward helping the poor in a practical way?
The Lord's Supper - Mark 14:12-26
Understand It
- When did the events of this story take place? (14:12)
- What did Jesus’ disciples ask Him? (14:12)
- How did Jesus make the arrangements for the Passover meal? (14:13)
- Whom did Jesus send to make the arrangements for the Passover meal? (14:13)
- What specific instructions did Jesus give the disciples He sent out? (14:13-15)
- How did Jesus’ predictions compare to what the disciples actually found when they got into the city? (14:16)
- What was the reaction of the disciples to Jesus’ prediction of His betrayal? (14:19)
- How did Jesus specify who would betray Him? (14:20-21)
- The central emphasis of the Passover meal was traditionally the sacrificial lamb; where did Jesus place His emphasis? (14:22-24)
- What important announcement did Jesus make? (14:25)
- How did Jesus and the disciples conclude their Passover meal? (14:26)
Apply It
- What are two or three steps you can take to prepare for the next time you celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
- What do you want to remember the next time you take the Lord’s Supper?
- How can you say thank you to Jesus each day this week for the suffering He endured for you?
- How can you trust Christ with the circumstances you do not yet understand?
Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial - Mark 14:27-31
Understand It
- What did Jesus reveal to His disciples? (14:27)
- How would Jesus’ prediction fulfill Scripture? (14:27)
- What did Jesus quote? Why? (14:27)
- To what "shepherd" and "sheep" did Jesus refer? Why? (14:27)
- What information did Jesus give the disciples? (14:28)
- How did Peter respond to Christ’s words? (14:29)
- What was Peter’s state of mind when Jesus predicted that the disciples would betray Him? (14:29)
- What did Jesus say about Peter’s loyalty? (14:30)
- What was the reaction when Jesus said that Peter would disown Him? (14:31)
- What did Peter claim? (14:31)
- What do the disciples’ reactions tell us about them? (14:31)
Apply It
- In what way can you show your dependence on God for the strength to follow Christ?
- What can you do over the next week to renew and strengthen your faith in Christ?
Gethsemane - Mark 14:32-42
Understand It
- Where did the events of this story take place? (14:32)
- What did Jesus tell the disciples to do? (14:32)
- Who did Jesus take with him to pray? (14:33)
- What emotions was Jesus feeling? (14:33-34)
- What do Jesus’ actions at this time tell us about His character? (14:33-34)
- Why was Jesus so distressed and troubled? (14:33-34)
- What did Jesus do in response to His deep sorrow? (14:35-36)
- What "hour" did Jesus pray to "pass from Him"? (14:35-36)
- What does Jesus’ prayer tell us about His relationship to God the Father? (14:36)
- What distressed Jesus when He returned to His disciples? (14:37)
- What did Jesus find when He returned to the disciples who were keeping watch? (14:37)
- How did Jesus instruct the disciples to prevent themselves from falling into temptation? (14:38)
- Why did the disciples have so much trouble praying with Jesus? (14:38)
- How did Jesus explain the difference between the spirit and the body? (14:38)
- What caused the disciples to be speechless when Christ returned to them the second time? (14:40)
- When did Jesus stop praying? (14:41-42)
- What caused Jesus to stop praying? (14:41-42)
Apply It
- Who is someone you can ask to help you overcome a weakness?
- What needs of others will you commit yourself to pray for during this next week?
- How can you support a friend or relative facing a difficult task this week?
Jesus Arrested - Mark 14:43-52
Understand It
- Who was Judas? (14:43-44)
- Who accompanied Judas to Gethsemane? Why? (14:43-44)
- How did the religious leaders treat Jesus? (14:43-46)
- Why did the religious leaders bring a large, armed force to arrest Jesus? (14:43-48)
- What signal had Judas prearranged with the armed leaders to identify Jesus? (14:44)
- How did Judas greet Jesus? Why? (14:44-45)
- In what way were Judas’s actions contradictory? (14:44-45)
- How did one of Jesus’ disciples (we know from John 18:10 that it was Peter) react to the arrest of Jesus? (14:47)
- How did Jesus respond to the sight of the armed men? (14:48-49)
- How was Jesus’ response to this situation different from that of His followers? (14:48-50)
- What had to happen? (14:49)
- Who fled the scene? When? (14:50-52)
- What is significant about the fact that all of Jesus’ followers deserted Him? (14:50-52)
Apply It
- What can you do now to prepare for times when your dedication to Christ is tested at work, at home, or around neighbors?
- What friend can you support through a difficult situation? How?
Before the Sanhedrin - Mark 14:53-65
Understand It
- Before whom did Jesus have to stand trial? (14:53)
- Who followed Jesus as He was being led away? How? (14:54)
- What did the men of the Sanhedrin want to do to Jesus? Why? (14:55)
- Why did the Sanhedrin have such a difficult time convicting Jesus? (14:55-59)
- What testimony did some witnesses bring against Jesus? (14:57-58)
- How did the high priest try to get Jesus to answer the questions put to Him? (14:60)
- What was Jesus’ response to all the accusations against Him? (14:61)
- How did Jesus use silence during all the testimony against Him? (14:61)
- What did the high priest finally do in an attempt to speed up the trial? (14:61)
- When did Jesus choose to speak? (14:62)
- What did Jesus tell the Sanhedrin? (14:62)
- Why did the high priest respond with such shock to Jesus’ testimony? (14:63-64)
- What did the Sanhedrin consider blasphemy? (14:64)
- To what punishment did the Sanhedrin sentence Jesus? Why? (14:64)
- How did the people in the courtroom abuse Jesus after He was sentenced to death? (14:65)
Apply It
- How do you want to react the next time you are falsely accused or tricked?
- What specific steps can you take this week to entrust your circumstances to God?
Peter Disowns Jesus - Mark 14:66-72
Understand It
- Where did the events of this story take place? (14:66)
- What was Peter doing at this critical time? (14:66)
- How do we know Peter was concerned for Jesus? (14:66)
- What was the servant girl’s opinion of Jesus? (14:66-69)
- How did Peter’s denial of Christ happen? (14:66-72)
- Who confronted Peter about his association with Jesus? (14:67)
- How did Peter respond to the servant girl’s questioning? (14:68, 70)
- Why did Peter move "out into the entryway"? (14:68)
- Who else besides the servant girl confronted Peter? Why? (14:70)
- Who in the courtyard was curious and insistent about finding out who Jesus’ followers were? (14:66-70)
- How did Peter respond to the third question about whether he was a follower of Christ? (14:71)
- Why did Peter cry? (14:72)
- What reminded Peter of Jesus’ words to Him earlier? (14:72)
- How did Peter react when he realized what he had done? (14:72)
Apply It
- In what situation or context will you consciously identify with Christ publicly this week? How?
- What person do you need to tell of your faith in Christ? When can you?
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