September 3


New Testament in a Year – Philippians 2

By Ron

September 3, 2024

New Testament, Philippians

Imitating Christ's Humility - Philippians 2:1-11

Understand It

  • What four qualities mark unity with Christ? (2:1)
  • How can Christians show their unity in Christ in practical ways? (2:2)
  • What did Paul say about self-centeredness? (2:3-4)
  • What did Paul exhort believers to have? (2:5)
  • What did Christ set aside when He became a man? (2:6-8)
  • How did Jesus limit Himself? (2:6-8)
  • How was Christ fully God and fully man at the same time? (2:6-8)
  • How is Christ the best example of humility and unselfishness for us? (2:6-8)
  • Why did Christ take on the limitations of being human even though He was of the same nature as God? (2:7)
  • How did God exalt Jesus? (2:9)
  • How did Christ win sovereignty over all people and over everything? (2:10)
  • What confession will every person make? (2:11)

Apply It

  • What practical steps can you take this week to demonstrate humility in your relationships?
  • For the sake of unity in Christ, what petty squabbles should you clear up right away? How?

Shining as Stars - Philippians 2:12-18

Understand It

  • What did the Philippian Christians need to obey? (2:12)
  • What were the Philippian believers to work out? (2:12-13)
  • How would God help the Philippians obey Him? (2:12-13)
  • What instructions did Paul give in relation to everyday Christian living? (2:14-16)
  • Why were the Philippians not shining "like stars" in their world? (2:14-16)
  • Why did the Philippian assembly need to show a united front to unbelievers? (2:14-16)
  • What would enable Paul to boast about the Philippians? (2:14-16)
  • Whose honor was Paul concerned about? (2:16)
  • How did Paul view his own life? (2:17)
  • How did Paul view the faith of the Philippian believers? (2:17)
  • What did Paul want his friends at Philippi to experience? (2:18)

Apply It

  • In what situations this week do you need to make a conscious effort not to complain or argue?
  • Before whom do you want to shine in your place of work or neighborhood? In what ways can you do so?
  • What sacrifices can you make for the sake of others today?

Timothy and Epaphroditus - Philippians 2:19-30

Understand It

  • Why did Paul plan to send Timothy to the Philippians? (2:19)
  • What was Paul’s opinion of Timothy? (2:20)
  • What was Timothy’s relationship with the church at Philippi? (2:20)
  • In Paul’s view, why did Timothy stand out? (2:21-22)
  • When would Paul send Timothy to the Philippians? (2:23)
  • Why was Paul confident that he would revisit the believers at Philippi? (2:24)
  • Who was Epaphroditus? (2:25)
  • Why did the Philippians send Epaphroditus to Paul? (2:25)
  • How did Epaphroditus feel about his friends in Philippi? (2:26)
  • What happened to Epaphroditus? (2:26-27)
  • How did God spare Paul tremendous sorrow? (2:27)
  • How did Paul demonstrate his selflessness? (2:28)
  • How were the Philippians told to welcome home Epaphroditus? (2:29-30)
  • Why were the Philippians told to honor their messenger? (2:30)

Apply It

  • How can you be a model of humility and service to other Christians this week?
  • This week, how can you look out for the interests of the Lord rather than your own interests?

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