Hallelujah! - Revelation 19:1-10
Understand It
- What was the roar that John heard coming from heaven? (19:1)
- Why were the inhabitants of heaven praising God? (19:1-2)
- Who shouted? Why? (19:3)
- How did the creatures closest to God act? (19:4)
- What did the voice from the throne urge? (19:5)
- Why did the great multitude urge everyone to be happy? How? (19:6-7)
- In what ways did the bride get ready for the heavenly wedding? (19:7-8)
- What is the significance of the fine linen worn by the bride of Christ? (19:8)
- Who is called "blessed"? (19:9)
- How did John respond to the angel who was his "writing instructor"? (19:10)
- What was the angel’s instruction to John? (19:10)
- What did John learn about worship? (19:10)
- What did John learn about angels? (19:10)
Apply It
- What is one way you could become a more worshipful person in how you participate in worship services at church?
- When, where, and how could you praise God this week?
- In what way can you honor Christ in your conversations with others?
The Rider on the White Horse - Revelation 19:11-21
Understand It
- What did John see in heaven as this portion of his vision began to unfold? (19:11)
- What is the name of the individual John saw? (19:11)
- What is the rider of the white horse like? (19:11-13)
- What does the rider of the white horse do? (19:11)
- How did John describe the appearance of the rider he saw? (19:12-13, 16)
- Who followed the rider of the white horse? (19:14)
- What did John note about the rider’s mouth? (19:15)
- What message did an angel deliver? How? (19:17-18)
- What will be the main course served to the birds at the great supper of God? (19:17-18)
- What battle took place? (19:19-21)
- Who fought against the rider of the white horse, and what was the outcome? (19:19-21)
- Who gathered together? Why? (19:19)
- What happened to the beast and the false prophet? (19:20)
- What happened to the rest of those who followed the beast? (19:21)
· Apply It
- For what "confrontations" do you need to prepare this week? How?
- How can you develop faithfulness and integrity in your work or home life this week?