December 27


New Testament in a Year – Revelation 20

By Ron

December 27, 2024

New Testament, Revelation

The Thousand Years - Revelation 20:1-6

Understand It

  • What did John see an angel carrying? (20:1)
  • Whom did the angel seize? (20:2)
  • By what assorted names did John call the dragon? (20:2)
  • What did the angel do to the dragon? (20:2)
  • Where did the angel throw the dragon? (20:3)
  • For how long was the dragon locked up? (20:3)
  • What else did John see in his vision? (20:4)
  • Why had some believers died? (20:4)
  • How had the "beheaded souls" defied the beast? (20:4)
  • What happened to the martyrs as John watched? (20:4)
  • When would the rest of the dead be resurrected? (20:5)
  • In what way are the people raised in the first resurrection blessed? (20:6)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you give testimony of God’s Word to the people you know?
  • In what concrete ways this week can you resist Satan’s attempts to rule in your life?

Satan's Doom - Revelation 20:7-10

Understand It

  • What will happen after the thousand year reign of Christ and His saints? (20:7)
  • How is the Abyss described? (20:7)
  • What will Satan do right after his release from the Abyss? (20:7-8)
  • Where will Satan go to find followers? (20:8)
  • What is Satan’s ultimate goal in gathering people at this point? (20:8)
  • How did John describe those who will be deceived by Satan? (20:8)
  • In John’s vision what battle plan did Satan follow in his war against God? (20:9)
  • What is special about the place where the people of God gathered? (20:9)
  • How did God defeat the armies of Satan? (20:9-10)
  • Where was Satan dispatched after his defeat? (20:10)
  • What is Satan’s, the beast’s, and the false prophet’s final destination? (20:10)
  • What will Satan, the beast, and the false prophet experience in their final destination? (20:10)

Apply It

  • What do you want to remember the next time you are unsure of whether it is worth following Christ?
  • What is one simple way you can remind yourself of God’s certain victory over evil?
  • How can you make a dent today in the large following and the power that Satan possesses and enjoys?
  • What step of faith do you need to take today in the face of a desperate situation that makes you feel surrounded by the enemy?

The Dead Are Judged - Revelation 20:11-15

Understand It

  • What particular vision begins this portion of John’s revelation? (20:11)
  • How will creation react to the "great white throne" judgment? (20:11)
  • What will be the effect of God’s presence on "earth and sky" at the great white throne judgment? (20:11)
  • Where will the final judgment of all people take place? (20:11-12)
  • Who will be involved in the final judgment? (20:12)
  • What records will be used to judge everyone? (20:12)
  • How does God keep track of what people do in this life? (20:12)
  • On what basis will people be judged at the end of time? (20:12-13)
  • From what diverse places will the dead assemble for this judgment? (20:13)
  • What will happen to death and Hades? (20:14)
  • How did John describe the lake of fire? (20:14)
  • What will hell be like? (20:14)
  • What will happen to those whose names are not found in the Book of Life? (20:15)
  • Who will be thrown into the lake of fire? (20:15)

Apply It

  • What can you do to remind yourself of the reality of a future judgment?
  • What step do you need to take today to ensure that your name is written in the Book of Life?
  • How can you help a friend or family member avoid a future in the lake of fire?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at

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