December 29


New Testament in a Year – Revelation 22

By Ron

December 29, 2024

New Testament, Revelation

The River of Life - Revelation 22:1-6

Understand It

  • What sight did John’s heavenly "tour guide" show him? (22:1)
  • How did John describe the appearance of the river of life? (22:1)
  • How did John describe the location of the river of life? (22:2)
  • What was growing on each side of the river of life? (22:2)
  • When did the tree that John saw in the city bear fruit? (22:2)
  • Of what value are the leaves on the tree of life? (22:2)
  • What will be missing from the new heavens and new earth? (22:3)
  • What will God’s people do in heaven? (22:3)
  • What kind of relationship will God have with His people in heaven? (22:3-4)
  • Where will the inhabitants of heaven get their light? (22:5)
  • How long will God’s people reign? (22:5)
  • How did the angel assure John? (22:6)

Apply It

  • How can you honor the life that God created?
  • What act of service can you do for God this week? How?
  • What act or deed can you do today as a "mark of ownership" placed on your life by God?

Jesus Is Coming - Revelation 22:7-21

Understand It

  • What promise did Christ make? (22:7)
  • What blessing did Christ promise us? (22:7)
  • Who did Jesus say is a blessed person? (22:7)
  • How did the revelations John saw affect him? (22:8)
  • What command was given to John by his angelic assistant? (22:9)
  • Why was John commanded not to seal up the prophecies of his book? (22:10)
  • What additional instructions did the angel give? (22:11)
  • When Jesus comes, what will He bring with Him? (22:12)
  • How did Jesus describe Himself? (22:13, 16)
  • Who will be entitled to citizenship in the new Jerusalem? (22:14)
  • Who will be barred from entering the heavenly city? (22:15)
  • What is the consequence of living a life of disobedience to God, no matter what it involves? (22:15)
  • What was Jesus’ method for getting His message to us? (22:16)
  • What invitation is given by the Spirit and the bride? (22:17)
  • What warning did John give? (22:18-19)
  • What do we know for sure about Christ’s return? (22:20)
  • How did John bless his readers? (22:21)

Apply It

  • What are some concrete ways you can show respect for the messages in the Bible?
  • What can you "continue to do right" this week?
  • What can you do to remind yourself not to put Christian leaders on pedestals or to make them the focus of your praise?
  • How could you bless others this week with the way you greet or say good-bye to them?

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