New Testament in a Year – Romans 11
The Remnant of Israel - Romans 11:1-10
Understand It
- What was Paul’s background? (11:1)
- How did Paul answer those who believed that God had rejected the Jews? (11:1-6)
- How did God answer Elijah’s call to destroy Israel? (11:2-4)
- What has God chosen by grace? (11:5)
- What caused God’s remnant of people to survive? (11:5)
- How did Paul describe the people in Israel who please God? (11:5-6)
- Who are the elect? (11:7)
- What had Israel done to try to obtain righteousness in God’s sight? (11:7-9)
- What prevented Israel from responding to God as the elect had responded? (11:7-9)
- What results from God’s decision to harden people’s hearts? (11:9-10)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to avoid the influences in your life that could harden your heart against God?
- What can you do this week to encourage a Christian who feels outnumbered or overwhelmed?
Ingrafted Branches - Romans 11:11-24
Understand It
- What hope do the Jews ever have of recovering their relationship with God? (11:11)
- How have Gentiles been helped by the Jews’ rejection of God’s salvation plan? (11:11-12)
- What will be an even greater result than just the response of the Gentiles to God’s plan? (11:12)
- How did Paul hope his own Jewish people would respond when they saw him ministering to the Gentiles? (11:13-14)
- What did Paul imagine the response of the Jews to God could bring to the world? (11:15)
- What long illustration did Paul use to describe the situation of the Jews and Gentiles? (11:16-24)
- To what did Paul liken the Gentiles? (11:17)
- Why do we need to be careful not to boast that God has reached out to us? (11:18)
- To whom does God show severity and kindness? (11:22)
- What is promised to Jews who do not persist in unbelief? (11:23)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to acknowledge that you depend on God’s kindness?
- What can you do this week to share Christ with a friend who is separated from God?
All Israel Will Be Saved - Romans 11:25-32
Understand It
- To what mystery did Paul refer? (11:25)
- How had Israel responded to the message Paul preached? (11:25)
- When would Israel’s period of hardening end? (11:25)
- What will eventually happen to Israel? (11:26)
- What promise has God made to Israel? (11:26-27)
- In what two contrasting ways were the Jews described by Paul? (11:28-29)
- What did Paul say about God’s promises? (11:29)
- What has been the good result of the disobedience and unbelief of the Jews? (11:30)
- How is God responding to the unbelief of the Jews? (11:31)
- For what reason has God allowed all people to be disobedient? (11:32)
Apply It
- Which of God’s promises do you need to focus on and memorize this week?
- What can you do this week to show God’s unique love to someone who has turned away from Him?
Doxology - Romans 11:33-36
Understand It
- How did Paul describe God’s judgments? (11:33)
- What is beyond our understanding? (11:33)
- How did Paul describe the mind of God? (11:33-34)
- What force or power is higher or wiser than God? (11:33-34)
- How did Paul describe God? (11:33-36)
- Why did Paul praise God? (11:33-36)
- What does God owe? (11:35)
- What is God’s place in the universe? (11:36)
- What is from God, through God, and to God? (11:36)
- How did Paul summarize his doxology? (11:36)
Apply It
- How can you worship and praise God with enthusiasm and devotion this week?
- What is one way you can reflect God’s character to others through your personal life?
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