New Testament in a Year – Romans 13
Submission to the Authorities - Romans 13:1-7
Understand It
- How is the establishment of any government related to God? (13:1)
- How is a Christian to respond to the laws and leadership of government? (13:1-7)
- What attitude is a Christian showing toward God when he or she rebels against the government? (13:2)
- What consequences will those who rebel against the government bring upon themselves? (13:2)
- What should a Christian do to maintain a good relationship with the government? (13:3-4)
- For what reason are government officials in power? (13:4)
- What motivation does the Christian have to submit to the government? (13:5)
- What are governmental authorities? (13:6)
- How should a Christian respond to the tax laws and requirements of the government? (13:6-7)
- In addition to tax revenues, what does a Christian owe to his or her government? (13:7)
Apply It
- Which government official could you write or talk to this week and express your concerns?
- How and when could you set aside time to pray for national, state, and local public officials?
Love, for the Day Is Near - Romans 13:8-14
Understand It
- In what area of life is a Christian to maintain a continuing debt? (13:8)
- What is the sign that a Christian has fulfilled the Law? (13:8)
- What one command sums up all the other commands? (13:9)
- What act and attitude is the fulfillment of the Law? (13:10)
- What "hour" had arrived for the Roman Christians? (13:11)
- How did Paul encourage his audience to live godly lives? (13:11-12)
- What specific behaviors does God forbid? (13:12-13)
- What kind of behavior contrasts with what God wants of us? (13:13)
- With what are Christians to clothe themselves? (13:14)
- What should a Christian be thinking about each day? (13:14)
Apply It
- What specific gesture of love or kindness can you use to build a relationship this week?
- When can you take time this week to identify habits or tendencies in your life that hinder your relationship with the Lord?
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