July 4


New Testament in a Year – Romans 16

By Ron

July 4, 2024

New Testament, Romans

Paul, the Minister to the Gentiles - Romans 15:14-22

Understand It

  • How did Paul describe the Christians at Rome? (15:14)
  • How did Paul understand his own mission? (15:14-16)
  • Why did Paul preach to the Gentiles? (15:16)
  • What was Paul’s "priestly duty"? (15:16)
  • What was the focus of Paul’s life? (15:17-18)
  • What was the only thing that Paul was willing to speak of? (15:18-19)
  • To what did Paul credit his success in evangelism? (15:18-19)
  • What was Paul’s ambition? (15:20)
  • Why did Paul preach the gospel where Christ was not known? (15:20)
  • What had hindered Paul from coming to see the people in the church at Rome? (15:22)

Apply It

  • At this point in your life, what could you do to determine whether your vocation is in line with God’s desires for your life?
  • How can God best use you as a witness, both this week and in the future?

Paul's Plan to Visit Rome - Romans 15:23-33

Understand It

  • Where was Paul planning to travel? (15:23-24) Why?
  • Why was Paul planning to visit Rome? (15:23-25)
  • How did Paul want the Roman Christians to help him? (15:24, 30-32)
  • What was Paul’s immediate destination? (15:25)
  • What was Paul taking to Jerusalem? (15:26)
  • What had the Jews done for the Gentiles? (15:27)
  • How did Paul explain why Gentiles should give financial assistance to Jews in Jerusalem? (15:27)
  • What would Paul bring with him when he visited Rome? (15:29)
  • For what did Paul ask the people to pray? (15:30-32)
  • With what benediction did Paul close his request? (15:33)

Apply It

  • What sacrifice can you make this week to help another believer who is struggling with a burden?
  • How could you help and show appreciation to the person who helped you come to faith in Christ?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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