June 15


New Testament in a Year – Romans 3

By Ron

June 15, 2024

New Testament, Romans

God's Faithfulness - Romans 3:1-8

Understand It

  • What is the advantage of being a Jew? (3:1-2)
  • How did God show favor toward the Jews? (3:1-2)
  • With what have Jews been entrusted? (3:2)
  • How does failure to be true to God reflect on the character of God? (3:3-4)
  • When we realize our own sinfulness, what do we learn about the character of God? (3:5)
  • What brings out God’s righteousness more clearly? (3:5)
  • What was Paul’s response to the charge that God is unjust in judging us? (3:5)
  • What was Paul’s human argument about the fairness of God’s judgment of us? (3:5-8)
  • How is God’s character affected by the level of our sinfulness? (3:7)
  • What false statement or teaching was being attributed to Paul? (3:8)
  • Who did Paul say deserves condemnation? (3:8)

Apply It

  • What sins in your life do you need to confess to God and repent of this week?
  • What step or action can you take this week to keep you from taking God’s grace for granted?
  • Which of God’s promises do you want to keep in your thoughts this week?

No One Is Righteous - Romans 3:9-20

Understand It

  • How did Paul compare himself to others? (3:9)
  • How are Jews and Gentiles alike? (3:9)
  • Who is righteous? (3:10)
  • What is our natural tendency toward God? (3:11)
  • What is the result of turning away from God? (3:12)
  • What is human nature? (3:12)
  • How do our conversations and speech reflect our sinful nature? (3:13-14)
  • What are the characteristics of people who stand condemned before God? (3:13-18)
  • What does God’s law show us about ourselves? (3:19)
  • What is the purpose of having God’s law? (3:19-20)
  • What reward does a person receive for observing the Law? (3:20)

Apply It

  • What "laws" do you need to put aside in your life in favor of the true righteousness God offers?
  • With what believer could you meet and spend time in prayer and confession? When?

Righteousness Through Faith - Romans 3:21-31

Understand It

  • What new righteousness has been made known? (3:21)
  • What previous indication was there about the existence of the new righteousness? (3:21)
  • What is the source of our righteousness? (3:22)
  • How does a person obtain righteousness? (3:22)
  • What heritage do you share with every person who has ever lived? (3:23)
  • What justifies us in God’s sight? (3:24)
  • What is the cost or price of justification with God? (3:24)
  • What did God do to provide a means of justification and forgiveness for every person? (3:25)
  • How does providing Christ Jesus as a sacrifice demonstrate the justice of God? (3:25-26)
  • On what basis can a person brag about his or her righteousness? (3:27)
  • What justifies a person in God’s sight? (3:28)
  • How will Jews and Gentiles be judged by God? (3:29-30)
  • What is the relationship between having faith and observing the Law? (3:29-31)

Apply It

  • When could you meet with another person to share the good news of God’s redemptive plan?
  • In what areas are you still boasting about your own abilities? How can you submit those areas to God’s control?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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