June 19


New Testament in a Year – Romans 5

By Ron

June 19, 2024

New Testament, Romans

Peace and Joy - Romans 5:1-11

Understand It

  • What is the basis for our justification with God? (5:1)
  • What is our relationship with God if we have been justified by faith? (5:1)
  • How does Jesus Christ change a person’s standing with God? (5:2)
  • For what reasons can a Christian rejoice? (5:2-3)
  • What good things can result from suffering? (5:3-5)
  • Why does hope not disappoint us? (5:5)
  • How has God demonstrated His love for us? (5:6-8)
  • What comparisons can be made between people giving their lives for others and Christ’s death for all people? (5:7-8)
  • What was our relationship to God when Christ came to die for us? (5:8)
  • What aspect of Christ’s death justifies a person in God’s sight? (5:9)
  • How did God act to remove the barrier between Himself and all people? (5:9-10)
  • If God has demonstrated His love to us through Jesus’ death, what can we anticipate concerning our future relationship with God? (5:10)
  • For what reasons can a Christian rejoice? (5:11)

Apply It

  • In what difficult circumstances do you need to stop grumbling and stay focused on joy in Christ?
  • Who in your life needs to hear that through Jesus Christ they are no longer enemies with God?

Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ - Romans 5:12-21

Understand It

  • What did Adam introduce into the world and pass on to his descendants? (5:12)
  • What is the root cause of death? (5:12)
  • How did the coming of God’s law affect the presence of sin in the world? (5:13)
  • How did the coming of God’s law affect our understanding of what sin is? (5:13)
  • What came into the world through Jesus Christ? (5:15)
  • What is God’s solution to the inevitable problem of sin and death? (5:16-17)
  • In what ways are the acts of Jesus and Adam similar? (5:18-19)
  • What is the relationship between the amount of sin and grace in the world? (5:20)
  • What effect did God’s righteous law have on rebellious people? (5:20)
  • What does sin in this world produce? (5:21)
  • What does grace given by God to this world produce? (5:21)

Apply It

  • In what ways can you thank God today for the grace He has bestowed on you?
  • What can you do this week for unsaved friends still suffering from the consequences of sin?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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