June 21


New Testament in a Year – Romans 7

By Ron

June 21, 2024

New Testament, Romans

An Illustration from Marriage - Romans 7:1-6

Understand It

  • What illustration did Paul use to explain a Christian’s relationship to the written law? (7:1-3)
  • Whom does the husband represent in Paul’s illustration? (7:2-3)
  • Whom does the married woman represent in Paul’s illustration? (7:2-3)
  • To what did Paul compare the death of a woman’s husband? (7:2-5) Why?
  • What is the purpose or goal of a Christian’s new life? (7:4)
  • What changes a person’s relationship to the Law? (7:4-6)
  • What are the primary differences between the old life under the Law and the new life in the way of the Spirit? (7:4-6)
  • What controls a person before he or she becomes a Christian? (7:5)
  • How is a person released from being bound by the Law? (7:6)
  • How does the Christian’s new life compare with the old life? (7:6)

Apply It

  • What old ideas about pleasing God through religious activity do you need to discard this week?
  • What can you do this week to build your living relationship with Christ instead of merely following the rules?

Struggling with Sin - Romans 7:7-25

Understand It

  • What is the purpose of the Law? (7:7-8)
  • What bad effect does knowing the Law have on a person? (7:7-8)
  • When a person has no knowledge of the Law, what becomes of sin? (7:9)
  • How does knowing the Law bring the possibility of death to a person? (7:9-11)
  • How does the Law put a person to death? (7:11)
  • What are the characteristics of the Law and the commandment? (7:12)
  • How does the awareness of the Law produce death in a person? (7:13)
  • What did Paul share about his own attempts to follow the Law? (7:14-16)
  • What did Paul blame for his continuing failure to do good? (7:17-20)
  • How did Paul describe his own struggle to do what was right? (7:21-23)
  • How did Paul describe himself and his situation? (7:24)
  • To whom did Paul turn for rescue from his agonizing situation? (7:24)
  • What division did Paul acknowledge in his own mind and nature? (7:24)

Apply It

  • How can you remind yourself each day this week of God’s victory over sin?
  • What recent struggle with sin do you need to hand over to God today?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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