New Testament in a Year – Mark 11
The Triumphal Entry - Mark 11:1-11
Understand It
- Where did the events of this story take place? (11:1)
- What did Jesus tell His disciples to do? (11:2)
- What did Jesus ask the disciples to do? (11:2-3)
- How did the disciples’ experience match with what Jesus said? (11:4-7)
- What did the people in the village do when the disciples asked to take their colt? (11:6)
- What did Jesus do with the colt? (11:7)
- How did Jesus enter Jerusalem? (11:7-11)
- Why did the people spread cloaks and branches on the road for Jesus? (11:8-10)
- What was the atmosphere of the crowd when Jesus rode into Jerusalem? (11:8-10)
- What did the people shout when Jesus entered the city? (11:9)
- What does the reaction of the crowd tell us about how they interpreted Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem? (11:9-10)
- Why do you think Jesus went to the temple first but then went out to Bethany with His disciples? (11:11)
- Why didn’t Jesus stay in Jerusalem? (11:11)
Apply It
- What could you do this week to celebrate what Jesus has done for you?
- How should you react the next time a situation arises that you don’t understand?
Jesus Clears the Temple - Mark 11:12-19
Understand It
- Where did the events of this story take place? (11:12)
- Where did Jesus go? Why? (11:12-13)
- Why did the fig tree have no fruit? (11:13)
- What did Jesus do to the fig tree? Why? (11:13-14)
- How did this event differ from every other miracle Jesus performed? (11:13-14)
- What do both the cursing of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple tell us about Jesus’ attitude toward the people of Israel? (11:13-17)
- What happened when Jesus entered the temple area in Jerusalem? (11:15-18)
- Whose authority was Jesus challenging when He drove the money changers from the temple area? (11:17)
- What was Jesus saying about His own authority? (11:17)
- Why was Jesus so upset about the "marketplace" atmosphere in the temple? (11:17)
- How did the crowds and the religious leaders react to Jesus’ actions in the temple? (11:18)
Apply It
- What specific steps can you take this week to concentrate on a weak area of your spiritual life, aiming to bear fruit for the Lord?
- How can you show respect for God’s temple?
The Withered Fig Tree - Mark 11:20-26
Understand It
- What happened when the disciples saw the fig tree withered along the road? (11:20)
- How did Peter react to what he saw? (11:21)
- How did Jesus use a seemingly insignificant event as an opportunity to teach the disciples? (11:22)
- On what do answers to prayer depend? (11:22-25)
- What truth did Jesus illustrate with the withered fig tree? (11:23-24)
- What elements did Jesus single out of this object lesson regarding a strong prayer life? (11:23-25)
- What promise did Jesus offer about receiving answers to prayers? (11:24)
- How can a person be sure God has forgiven his or her sins? (11:24)
- What can stand in the way of God’s forgiveness? (11:25)
- How can holding a grudge affect the way God answers prayer? (11:25)
- How is some unanswered prayer accounted for? (11:25)
Apply It
- What is one specific request that you want to commit yourself to pray for regularly this week?
- What can you do today to let go of a grudge or feeling of offense?
The Authority of Jesus Questioned - Mark 11:27-33
Understand It
- Where did the events of this story take place? (11:27)
- Who confronted Jesus? Why? (11:27-28)
- What were "these things" to which the religious leaders referred? (11:28)
- How did the religious leaders challenge Jesus’ authority? (11:28)
- What do Jesus’ actions tell you about His attitude toward the religious leaders of His day? (11:28-33)
- How did Jesus answer the challenge put to Him? (11:29-33)
- What condition did Jesus place on answering the challenge put to Him? (11:29)
- How did Jesus challenge his accusers to stand up for the truth? (11:30-32)
- How did Jesus expose his accusers’ true motives? (11:30-32)
- Why was Jesus’ question so difficult for the religious leaders to answer? (11:29-32)
- How did the religious leaders respond to Jesus’ question? (11:33)
- How did Jesus silence His critics? (11:33)
Apply It
- What specific steps can you take this week to obey God’s authority in one area of your life?
- How should you respond the next time someone challenges you for doing what God has told you to do?
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