The Parable of the Tenants - Mark 12:1-12
Understand It
- How did Jesus get across His point in this situation? (12:1)
- To whom was Jesus speaking? (12:1)
- Why did the man in the parable plant a vineyard? (12:1)
- What happened to the man’s vineyard while he was away on a journey? (12:1)
- Whom do the farmer, servants, and son in the parable represent? (12:1-6)
- Why did the owner of the vineyard send so many servants to the tenants looking after the vineyard? (12:2-5)
- Who was the last person the owner sent to his vineyard? (12:6)
- How did the tenants want to cheat the son? (12:7)
- How did the tenants treat the owner’s son? Why? (12:7-8)
- What would be the response of the vineyard owner when he discovered how the tenants treated his son? (12:9)
- What is the significance in Jesus saying that He will fulfill Psalm 118:22-23? (12:10-11)
- How did the religious leaders respond to the parable Jesus told? (12:12)
Apply It
- What is one area of your life that you are holding back from the Lord for fear that He may ask too much of you?
- What step can you take this week to commit yourself completely to the Lord?
- What can you do every day this week out of respect for God’s Word?
Paying Taxes to Caesar - Mark 12:13-17
Understand It
- Who sent the Pharisees and Herodians to Jesus? (12:13)
- Who made a special trip to see Jesus? Why? (12:13)
- What were the Pharisees and Herodians trying to accomplish with their visit to Jesus? (12:13)
- How did the religious leaders try to trick Jesus? (12:13-15)
- How did the religious leaders flatter Jesus? (12:14)
- How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees and Herodians? (12:15)
- In what way were the religious leaders guilty of hypocrisy? (12:15)
- What did Jesus ask the religious leaders to bring Him? Why? (12:15-17)
- What did Jesus mean when He said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s"? (12:17)
- How did the religious leaders react to Jesus’ words? (12:17)
- How successful were the religious leaders in trapping Jesus? (12:17)
Apply It
- What is a prayer you can use to give to God what belongs to Him?
- In what ways can you stand up for the truth in your place of work this week?
Marriage at the Resurrection - Mark 12:18-27
Understand It
- Who were the Sadducees, and what did they want from Jesus? (12:18)
- What unique belief did the Sadducees have? (12:18)
- How did the Sadducees address Jesus? (12:19)
- What instruction of Moses did the Sadducees cite to support their theology about the Resurrection? (12:19)
- What complicated scenario did the Sadducees develop to get Jesus’ opinion about the Resurrection? (12:20-23)
- What was the basic principle underlying the Sadducees’ question? (12:23)
- How did Jesus respond to the Sadducees’ question? (12:24-27)
- In what way were the Sadducees "in error"? (12:24-27)
- What was wrong with the Sadducees’ viewpoint? (12:24-27)
- How will life in heaven differ from life on earth? (12:25)
- What did God say to Moses "in the account of the bush"? (12:26)
- How is God’s description of His own character relevant to this discussion with the Sadducees? (12:26)
- How did Jesus lend authority to His response to the Sadducees? (12:26)
- What did Jesus mean when He referred to God as "not the God of the dead, but of the living"? (12:27)
- How did Jesus show the Sadducees that the dead are raised? (12:26-27)
Apply It
- What concrete action would you be willing to take this week to get to know the Scriptures better?
- How could you make a conscious effort to learn from those who are more informed about the Scriptures and wiser than you?
- How can you learn more about the Scriptures this week?
The Greatest Commandment - Mark 12:28-34
Understand It
- Why did the teacher of the law come over to speak to Jesus? (12:28)
- What significant question did the teacher of the law pose to Jesus? (12:28)
- How did Jesus respond to the man’s question? (12:29-31)
- How did Jesus use Scripture in answering the question put to Him? (12:29-31)
- What did Jesus say was the second most important commandment? (12:31)
- How did the teacher of the law respond to Jesus’ answer? (12:32)
- How did the man speaking with Jesus show that He understood God’s heart? (12:32-34)
- What does God value more highly than sacrifices and offerings? (12:33)
- How did Jesus evaluate the teacher’s response to Him? (12:34)
- What did Jesus mean when He said to the teacher, "You are not far from the kingdom of God"? (12-34)
- How did the surrounding crowd react to this conversation? (12:34)
Apply It
- What specific steps can you take this week to deepen your relationship with the Lord and demonstrate your love for Him?
- Who is one neighbor to whom you can show your love in a practical way this week? How?
Whose Son Is the Christ? - Mark 12:35-40
Understand It
- Where was Jesus teaching? (12:35)
- What question did Jesus ask of His audience? (12:35)
- What was significant about the passage Jesus quoted? (12:36)
- In what way was the Holy Spirit involved in this account? (12:36)
- What did Jesus point out from one of David’s psalms? (12:36-37)
- To whom was David referring in the Scripture Jesus quoted? (12:36)
- What point was Jesus making by quoting David’s words? (12:36)
- How did the crowd respond to Jesus’ teaching? (12:37)
- How are the two parts of Jesus’ teaching in this passage related? (12:35-40)
- About whom did Jesus warn the crowds? (12:38)
- Why did Jesus condemn the teachers of the law? (12:38-39)
- What did the teachers of the law betray about themselves through their actions? (12:38-39)
- How did the teachers of the law "devour widow’s houses"? (12:40)
- For what did Jesus condemn the teachers of the law? (12:40)
- What did Jesus say would happen to the teachers of the law? (12:40)
Apply It
- What step can you take this week to pray, go to church, and do other spiritual devotions only out of a desire to please God?
- What small act of kindness could you show to a less fortunate believer in your church this week?
The Widow's Offering - Mark 12:41-44
Understand It
- Where did the events of this story take place? (12:41)
- Where did Jesus sit? (12:41)
- What did Jesus see from where He sat near the temple? (12:41)
- What did the "rich people" do at the temple treasury? (12:41)
- What do the "rich people’s" actions tell us about their motivation for giving? (12:41)
- What did the "poor widow" give to the treasury? (12:42)
- Why did Jesus call His disciples when He saw the widow put in her offering? (12:43)
- How did Jesus compare the actions of the wealthy people to the actions of the poor woman? (12:43-44)
- Why did the large amounts of money given by the rich people not impress Jesus? (12:44)
- Why was the widow’s gift so significant in Jesus’ eyes? (12:44)
Apply It
- What specific steps are you willing to take this week to give sacrificially to the Lord, of either your material wealth or your abilities and time?
- How can you ensure that your attitude and motivation is right when you give to the Lord this week?