February 26


New Testament in a Year – Mark 13

By Ron

February 26, 2025

Mark, New Testament

Signs of the End of the Age - Mark 13:1-31

Understand It

  • How did Jesus use the conversation of His disciples as an opportunity to teach? (13:1-2)
  • What did Jesus mean when He said the temple stones will be "thrown down"? (13:2)
  • What did Jesus’ disciples ask Him privately on the Mount of Olives? (13:3-4)
  • How did Jesus respond to His disciples’ question? (13:5-8)
  • What was Jesus’ main reason for telling His disciples what signs would precede the end of the age? (13:5)
  • How do we know Jesus was talking about a time still to come and not merely the fall of Jerusalem that took place in A.D. 70? (13:6-30)
  • Why did Jesus tell His disciples not to be alarmed when they would hear of wars? (13:7)
  • What must happen before Christ returns? (13:10)
  • How did Jesus tell His followers to act when they were arrested for their faith? (13:11)
  • What did Jesus tell His followers to do to be assured of eternal life? (13:12-13)
  • Where will "the elect" be during the "days of distress"? (12:19-20)
  • What will be the greatest temptation during the "days of distress"? (13:21-23)
  • What do Christ’s words "if that were possible" mean? (13:22)
  • What events will happen right before the Second Coming of Christ? (13:24-25)
  • What will Christ’s return be like? (13:26-27)
  • What did Jesus want us to learn from the blossoming of a fig tree? (13:28-29)
  • What did Jesus say we could count on happening? (13:29-30)

Apply It

  • What can you read or do this week to strengthen your hold on the truth about Christ?
  • What concrete action can you take to become more actively involved in telling others about Christ?

The Day and Hour Unknown - Mark 13:32-37

Understand It

  • To what "day" was Christ referring? (13:32)
  • Why didn’t Christ tell us the exact time when He would return to earth? (13:32)
  • In what way did Jesus live by faith and obedience to the Father? (13:32)
  • What will Jesus’ return be like? How? (13:34)
  • What example did Jesus use to explain what His return to earth will be like? (13:34)
  • Who are the servants to which Christ referred? (13:34)
  • *What should the "servants" do to occupy their time while they wait for the owner’s return? (13:34)
  • Who is the "owner of the house" in Jesus’ story? (13:34-35)
  • What conclusion did Jesus draw from the fact that the day of His return is secret? (13:35)
  • What might happen if the "owner of the house" returned suddenly and the servants were not watching carefully? (13:36)

What did Jesus want us to do? (13:37)

Apply It

  • How can you "keep watch" in your day-to-day activities at work?
  • What distractions might you be able to set aside from your life? How?
  • What is one pursuit you want to add to your routine in light of this passage?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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