February 11


New Testament in a Year – Mark 2

By Ron

February 11, 2025

Mark, New Testament

Jesus Heals a Paralytic - Mark 2:1-12

Understand It

  • Where did the events of this story take place? (2:1-2)
  • What exactly was Jesus doing when the events of this story took place? (2:2)
  • What dilemma did the paralytic man and his friends face? (2:2-4)
  • What do the details of the story tell you about the paralytic man, his friends, and Jesus’ reputation? (2:3-4)
  • How did the paralytic man’s friends solve the dilemma that they faced? (2:4)
  • How did the paralytic man’s friends get Jesus’ attention? (2:4-5)
  • How did Jesus evaluate the faith of the paralytic man and his friends? (2:5)
  • What motivated Jesus to respond to the paralytic man’s plight? (2:5)
  • Why did the Pharisees accuse Jesus of blasphemy? (2:6-7)
  • How did Jesus respond to the thoughts of the Pharisees? (2:8-9)
  • How did Jesus show that He had authority to forgive sins? (2:9)
  • What did Jesus mean by "Son of Man"? (2:10)
  • Why did Jesus heal the paralytic man? (2:10-12)
  • Until now, Jesus had been preaching but not performing miracles; why did He heal this particular man? (2:10-12)

Apply It

  • What specific steps can you take this week to show faith in Christ?
  • What broken area of your life will you ask God to heal?
  • Following the example of the paralytic man’s friends, how could you go out of your way to help another believer who is experiencing pain or suffering?

The Calling of Levi - Mark 2:13-17

Understand It

  • In what setting did the events of this story take place? (2:13)
  • What was Levi’s status among his neighbors? (2:14)
  • What did Jesus want when He spoke to Levi? (2:14)
  • What was Levi’s response to Jesus’ words? (2:14)
  • What did Levi stand to lose by leaving his work to follow Jesus? (2:14)
  • Why is it significant that Jesus went to Levi’s house for dinner? (2:14-15)
  • Who were the other dinner guests at Levi’s house when Jesus had dinner with him? (2:15)
  • How did the Pharisees respond to Jesus’ actions? (2:16)
  • What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees? (2:17)
  • What was it about Jesus’ life-style and attitude that made the Pharisees so uncomfortable? (2:15-17)

Apply It

  • In what specific way can you honor or recognize a person of "lower status" this week?
  • What can you do to listen to Christ as He calls you?

Jesus Questioned About Fasting - Mark 2:18-22

Understand It

  • What dilemma puzzled the people who came to Jesus? (2:18)
  • Why did the people come to Jesus? (2:18)
  • What did John’s disciples and the Pharisees have in common? (2:18)
  • Looking at Jesus and the Pharisees in this story, how were their attitudes different? (2:18-22)
  • How did Jesus respond to the question that was put to Him? (2:19)
  • To whom was Jesus referring when He spoke of the "guests" and the "bridegroom"? (2:19)
  • Why did Jesus suddenly start speaking about a wedding feast? (2:19-20)
  • How did Jesus’ story of the wedding feast answer the people’s question about why His disciples did not fast? (2:19-20)
  • Why did Jesus tell two short stories? (2:21-22)
  • What do the old garment and the old wineskins stand for? (2:21-22)
  • What do the patch of the unshrunk cloth and the new wine stand for? (2:21-22)
  • What are "new wineskins," and why are they needed? (2:22)

Apply It

  • What steps can you take this week to practice a spiritual discipline (fasting, prayer, Bible study, meditation, solitude, simplicity, etc.)?
  • Where and how could you learn more about fasting and prayer over the next few weeks?

Lord of the Sabbath - Mark 2:23-3:6

Understand It

  • What is the setting of the story, and why is it significant? (2:23)
  • What did the disciples do that outraged the Pharisees? (2:24)
  • Why did the Pharisees confront Jesus about the actions of His disciples? (2:24)
  • What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees’ charges? (2:25-27)
  • According to Jesus, why were the disciples of both David and Jesus justified in breaking the Sabbath? (2:25-27)
  • Why did Jesus say He was "Lord even of the Sabbath"? (2:28)
  • What happened after the confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees? (3:1)
  • Why were some of the Pharisees watching Jesus so closely? (3:2)
  • What was notable about the way Jesus performed this miracle? (3:3)
  • To whom did Jesus address a provocative question about "the Sabbath"? (3:4)
  • What was it about the Pharisees that so distressed Jesus? (3:5)
  • What significance do you see in the fact that the Pharisees were willing to plot with their enemies, the Herodians, to kill Jesus? (3:6)
  • What do Jesus’ actions in this story tell you about His concerns? (2:23-3:6)

Apply It

  • In what settings are you able to "do good and save life"? How?
  • What can you do this week to reflect God’s design for the Sabbath?
  • What can you use as a reminder to guard against a concern only for the letter of the law?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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