February 13


New Testament in a Year – Mark 4

By Ron

February 13, 2025

Mark, New Testament

The Parable of the Sower - Mark 4:1-20

Understand It

  • Where does this story take place? (4:1)
  • How did Jesus start to teach the crowds? (4:2)
  • When did Jesus use parables instead of saying directly what He meant? (4:2)
  • What are the four scenes described in this parable? (4:3-10)
  • How did those closest to Jesus respond to the parable He told? (4:10)
  • In what way did Jesus limit His explanation of the parable? (4:11-12)
  • What problem did this exchange bring up? (4:13)
  • To what was Jesus referring when He said, "The farmer sows the word"? (4:14)
  • What did Jesus want us to understand about God from this parable? (4:14-20)
  • What are some obstacles that prevent people from accepting the gospel or hanging on to their faith? (4:15-19)
  • What happens to those who hear the truth about Christ and accept it? (4:20)

Apply It

  • What is one step you can take to guard against the desires of the world that threaten your devotion to Christ?
  • In what area of your life do you need to start listening to God?
  • What is one biblical truth that you want to cultivate in your life each day this week?

A Lamp on a Stand - Mark 4:21-25

Understand It

  • With what observation did Jesus open His illustration? (4:21)
  • What did Jesus say would be ridiculous? Why? (4:21)
  • Whom or what does the lamp in this parable represent? (4:21)
  • What did Jesus mean by saying, "whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed"? (4:22)
  • What will happen to what is secret and hidden? (4:22)
  • Who did Jesus want this message to reach? (4:23)
  • Why did Jesus warn us to "consider carefully" what we hear? (4:24)
  • How did Jesus end His parable? (4:24-25)
  • Who will be given more? Why? (4:24-25)
  • Who will have things taken from them? Why? (4:24-25)
  • What will happen to those who use or put into practice what God has measured out to them? (4:24-25)
  • What will happen to those who neglect or misuse the truth God has already revealed to them? (4:24-25)

Apply It

  • What is one specific word of Jesus (a promise, truth, or command) that you can consciously remind yourself of throughout this next week?
  • What is involved in fulfilling the areas of responsibility you have?

The Parable of the Growing Seed - Mark 4:26-29

Understand It

  • What did Jesus want the people to understand about the kingdom of God? (4:26)
  • What role did the man in the parable play? (4:26-27)
  • What do the man and the seed in the parable represent? (4:26-29)
  • What does this parable reveal about Jesus’ concerns? (4:26-29)
  • How did the seed in the parable sprout and grow? (4:27)
  • What was the growth process like for the seed? (4:28)
  • How did the seed grow? (4:28)
  • How did the man get the seed to grow? (4:28)
  • At what point did the man get involved in the plant’s growth after he planted it? (4:29)
  • To what does the phrase "the harvest is come" refer? (4:29)

Apply It

  • What specific steps can you take to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to change others when you tell them about Christ?
  • What is one way you can spread God’s Word this week to help God’s kingdom grow?

The Parable of the Mustard Seed - Mark 4:30-34

Understand It

  • What did Jesus use to explain the kingdom of God? (4:30)
  • In what ways is this parable different from the previous one Jesus told? (4:30-31)
  • How is the kingdom of God like a mustard seed? (4:32)
  • What is the kingdom of God like? (4:31)
  • What does the mustard seed represent in this parable? (4:31)
  • What do you think this parable meant to Jesus’ original audience? (4:31)
  • How could the beginning of the kingdom of God be compared to such a small, insignificant seed? (4:31)
  • What promise is given in this parable? (4:31-32)
  • Why did Jesus use the smallest seed known to the Galilean farmers in His audience as the example in this parable? (4:31-32)
  • How did Jesus teach the crowds? (4:33-34)
  • How did Jesus teach His disciples? (4:33-34)
  • How did Jesus’ approach to teaching the crowds differ from the way He taught His disciples? (4:33-34)
  • What did Jesus do for His disciples to ensure that they learned from His parables? (4:34)
  • How did Jesus make sure His disciples understood His teaching? (4:34)

Apply It

  • How can you get involved this week in spreading the Good News and participating in the growth of the kingdom of God?
  • What word or message from the Bible can you share with someone else? How?
  • Who is one person with whom you could share the promise of the kingdom of God?

Jesus Calms the Storm - Mark 4:35-41

Understand It

  • When did the events of this story take place? (4:35)
  • Where did Jesus and His disciples go? How? (4:35-36)
  • Why did the disciples take Jesus along "just as He was"? (4:36)
  • What emergency situation arose? (4:37)
  • Why were the disciples surprised with Jesus? (4:37-38)
  • What was Jesus doing during a violent storm? (4:38)
  • How was Jesus coping with the storm that threatened Him and His men? (4:38)
  • What is significant about the disciples’ questioning Jesus by asking, "Don’t you care if we drown?" (4:38)
  • How would you compare Jesus’ behavior during this crisis with that of His disciples? (4:38)
  • How did Jesus solve the dilemma He and His disciples were facing? (4:39)
  • Why did Jesus rebuke His disciples? (4:40)
  • What was the answer to the rhetorical question that the disciples asked? (4:41)
  • What did the disciples learn about Jesus from this event? (4:39-41)

Apply It

  • How can you trust God this upcoming week with situations that get out of control or seem hopeless?
  • What do you want to remember the next time your life seems out of control?
  • When could you pray regularly this week for the needs in your life?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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