February 18


New Testament in a Year – Mark 7

By Ron

February 18, 2025

Mark, New Testament

Clean and Unclean - Mark 7:1-23

Understand It

  • Who was gathered around Jesus? (7:1)
  • What did the Pharisees and teachers of the law notice? (7:1-2)
  • How were the practices of Jesus’ disciples different from those of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law? (7:2-4)
  • What were the Pharisees and teachers of the law concerned about? Why? (7:2-5)
  • Why were the Pharisees and teachers of the law concerned about what Jesus’ disciples were doing? (7:3-4)
  • What did the Pharisees ask Jesus? (7:5)
  • How did Jesus avoid answering the Pharisees’ question directly? (7:6)
  • What were the Pharisees doing wrong? (7:6-8)
  • Of what did Jesus accuse the Pharisees? (7:6-13)
  • How were the Pharisees being hypocritical in this instance? (7:9)
  • What example did Jesus give to prove His accusations against the Pharisees? (7:10-12)
  • How did Jesus use the Law of Moses? (7:10-19)
  • How did Jesus place tradition in proper perspective? (7:10-19)
  • How did the Pharisees’ use of "unclean" differ from Jesus’? (7:14-23)
  • How did Jesus explain the parable to His disciples? (7:18-23)
  • What actually makes a person "unclean"? (7:20-23)

Apply It

  • What can you do to honor the commands of God above your traditions?
  • What is one practice that you can eliminate or modify to help you focus on the teaching of Jesus?
  • What is one step you can take to guard against hypocrisy?

The Faith of a Syrophoenician Woman - Mark 7:24-30

Understand It

  • What did Jesus try to keep secret? How? (7:24)
  • Why did a certain woman want to see Jesus? (7:25)
  • What did the woman do when she saw Jesus? Why? (7:25)
  • Who came to see Jesus? Why? (7:25-26)
  • What was this woman’s background? (7:26)
  • What did the woman in the story want from Jesus? (7:26)
  • How did Jesus respond to this woman? (7:27)
  • To whom was Jesus referring when He spoke of children? (7:27)
  • What did this woman call Jesus? (7:28)
  • How did the woman appeal Jesus’ decision not to help her? (7:28)
  • What made the woman so persistent? (7:28)
  • Why was Jesus impressed with the woman? (7:28-29)
  • What happened to the woman and her daughter? (7:30)

Apply It

  • What is one area of your life that you will commit to the Lord in faith today?
  • What concrete step can you take to show your faith in the Lord and your dependence on His power?

The Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man - Mark 7:31-37

Understand It

  • Where did the events of this story take place? (7:31)
  • Who was brought to Jesus? Why? (7:32)
  • What attitude did the people have toward Jesus? (7:32)
  • What did Jesus do for the man who was deaf and could hardly speak? (7:33-36)
  • What method did Jesus use to heal the man who came to Him? (7:33-36)
  • What did Jesus do so that the man would know it was Jesus who helped him? (7:33-36)
  • What happened to the deaf man? (7:35)
  • How was the deaf man’s life changed because of Jesus? (7:35-37)
  • What command of Jesus got the opposite effect He intended? (7:36)
  • How did the people react to Jesus and His miraculous power? (7:36-37)
  • What difference did this miracle make in the lives of the people who witnessed it? (7:36-37)
  • Why couldn’t the people stop talking about Jesus? (7:37)

Apply It

  • What is one area of your life that you can commit to the Lord and trust Him to work through?
  • What can you do this next week to show your thanks to God for His work in your life?
  • How can you trust God with your needs?
  • What can you do to reach out to someone in need this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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