February 20


New Testament in a Year – Mark 9

By Ron

February 20, 2025

Mark, New Testament

The Transfiguration - Mark 9:2-13

Understand It

  • Where did Jesus take Peter, James, and John? (9:2)
  • Whom did Jesus take with Him to the mountain? (9:2)
  • What happened to Jesus on the mountain? (9:3) 
  • Who appeared with Jesus in the transfiguration? (9:4)
  • What was significant about the people who appeared to Jesus? (9:4)
  • How did Peter respond to the transfiguration of Jesus? (9:5)
  • Why did Peter want to put up three shelters? (9:5)
  • Why were the disciples frightened when they saw Jesus? (9:6)
  • How did God appear to Jesus and the others? (9:7)
  • *What did God say to the disciples? (9:7)
  • *What did God want the disciples to do? (9:7)
  • What did the disciples see after the cloud vanished? (9:7-8)
  • What orders did Jesus give the disciples? (9:9)
  • How did Peter, James, and John respond to Jesus’ order? (9:10)
  • What caught the "elite three" off guard and became the topic of discussion as they headed down the mountain? (9:10)
  • Why did the disciples ask Jesus about Elijah? (9:11)
  • About whom was Jesus speaking when He said, "Elijah has come"? (9:12-13)

Apply It

  • What specific word or command of Jesus can you obey more carefully this week? How?
  • *What can you do over the next week to become more sensitive to God’s voice (whether from His Word or His Spirit)?

The Healing of a Boy With an Evil Spirit - Mark 9:14-32

Understand It

  • What was the setting of the events in this story? (9:14)
  • How did the people react when they saw Jesus? (9:15)
  • What did Jesus ask the crowd and the teachers of the law? (9:16)
  • What were the people arguing about? (9:17)
  • What had the evil spirit done to the boy it possessed? (9:17-18)
  • *Why were the disciples unable to cast the demon out of the boy? (9:19)
  • *How did Jesus feel at this point? (9:19)
  • What was the evil spirit’s response to Jesus? (9:20)
  • What was the boy’s life like before Jesus healed him? (9:21-22)
  • *How were prayer and faith related in this situation? (9:22-23)
  • What problem did the father need to overcome? (9:24)
  • When did Jesus cast the demon out? (9:25-26)
  • How did Jesus treat the demon-possessed boy? (9:24-27)
  • What necessary step had the disciples failed to take in this situation? (9:28-29)
  • Why did Jesus want to avoid the crowds of people? (9:30-31)
  • What news did Jesus repeat privately to the disciples? (9:31)
  • What frightened the disciples? (9:31-32)

Apply It

  • *About what in your life will you pray every day this week? When? 
  • What concrete action can you take today to show a commitment to prayer?

Who Is the Greatest? - Mark 9:33-37

Understand It

  • What did Jesus ask the disciples when they got to Capernaum? (9:33)
  • Why did the disciples suddenly stop talking? (9:33-34)
  • *How did Jesus get His disciples’ attention? (9:33-34)
  • What does the disciples’ argument tell you about their understanding of who Jesus was and why He had come? (9:33-34)
  • Why were the disciples embarrassed to answer Jesus’ question? (9:34)
  • *How did Jesus explain what it means to be great? (9:35)
  • What kind of person tries to be a servant? (9:35)
  • *How did Jesus illustrate His point? (9:36)
  • What did Jesus say about children? (9:37)
  • How is it possible to welcome God? (9:37)

Apply It

  • *What is one concrete way you can serve another person this week? 
  • In what specific situation can you consciously choose to be a servant for Christ’s sake sometime this next week?

Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us - Mark 9:38-41

Understand It

  • Who told Jesus about the dilemma facing the disciples? (9:38)
  • How did John refer to Jesus and how was that significant? (9:38)
  • *What issue concerned the disciples? (9:38)
  • Why did the disciples try to stop a man from driving out demons? (9:38)
  • *What attitudes did the disciples have in this situation? (9:38)
  • *How did Jesus respond to the disciples’ question? (9:40)
  • Why did Jesus not mind others, who were not part of His group of disciples, performing miracles in His name? (9:40)
  • What attitude did Jesus want the disciples to have? (9:41)
  • How will God treat those who do good in Christ’s name? (9:41)
  • What principle was Jesus trying to teach the disciples? (9:39-41)

Apply It

  • What step can you take this week to help another person in Christ’s name?
  • *What can you do to support someone who does good and is "not against you"?

Causing to Sin - Mark 9:42-50

Understand It

  • To whom did Jesus refer when He spoke of "little ones"? (9:42)
  • What behavior did Jesus condemn? (9:42)
  • What figure of speech did Jesus use to show how serious His point was? (9:42-47)
  • *What was Jesus’ attitude toward sin? (9:43-47)
  • What does this passage teach about the kingdom of God? (9:43-47)
  • *Why did Jesus use extreme examples in this context? (9:43-48)
  • How did Jesus use figurative language to get His message across? (9:43-48)
  • How did Jesus describe hell? (9:48-49)
  • What did Jesus mean when He said, "Everyone will be salted with fire"? (9:49)
  • *When Jesus talked about "salt," to what exactly was He referring? (9:50)
  • Why is "saltiness" necessary in a Christian’s life? (9:50)
  • With what final instruction did Jesus conclude? (9:50)
  • How do Jesus’ final words relate to the rest of the passage? (9:50)

Apply It

  • *What concrete action can you take this week to avoid a sin that you have struggled with in the recent past? 
  • What can you do this week to make your witness for Christ clearer to the unbelievers around you?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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