January 14


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 10

By Ron

January 14, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve - Matthew 10:1-42

Understand It

  • What kind of authority did Jesus give His twelve disciples? (10:1)
  • What were the names of the twelve men with Jesus? (10:2-4)
  • To what audience did Jesus command these men to go? (10:5-6)
  • What last-minute ministry instructions did Jesus give His disciples? (10:7-10)
  • What sort of accommodations were the disciples to seek in their travels? (10:11-13)
  • How were the disciples supposed to respond to those who rejected them? (10:14-15)
  • To what kind of animal did Jesus compare His disciples? (10:16)
  • What warnings of danger or hardship did Christ give His disciples? (10:17-23)
  • Why did Jesus predict trouble for the disciples? (10:24-25)
  • What kinds of things did Jesus say to bolster His disciples’ courage? (10:26-31)
  • Why did Christ tell His disciples that it was important for them to take a stand for Him? (10:32-33)
  • What surprising comments did Jesus make about the goal of His ministry? (10:34-36)
  • What radical requirements did Christ make of those who would follow Him? (10:37-38)
  • What did Jesus promise those who obeyed Him fully? (10:39-42)

Apply It

  • In what specific situations do you need to rely more on the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to say?
  • What promises from this chapter can you meditate on this week to make you a more effective minister for Christ?
  • What are three or four concrete ways you can be more bold in standing up for Christ this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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