January 15


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 11

By Ron

January 15, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

Jesus and John the Baptist - Matthew 11:1-19

Understand It

  • What did Jesus do while His disciples were out on their mission trip? (11:1)
  • What message or question did John the Baptist send to Christ from prison? (11:2-3)
  • What instructions did Jesus give to John’s messenger? (11:4)
  • What kind of proof did Jesus offer to establish His claim to be the Messiah? (11:5)
  • What things did Jesus say John the Baptist was not? (11:7)
  • How did Jesus identify John? (11:9-10)
  • What high compliment did Jesus pay John? (11:11)
  • Why was John’s life and ministry significant? (11:10)
  • What did Jesus claim about the kingdom of heaven? (11:12)
  • Whose prophetic role did Jesus say John was fulfilling? (11:14)
  • How did Jesus compare His generation to children? (11:16-17)
  • What criticism did John the Baptist receive? Why? (11:18)
  • What frequent charge was leveled at Jesus? Why? (11:19)

Apply It

  • What words of comfort could you share this week with a Christian who happens to be dealing with doubt?
  • What specific actions can you take today to strengthen a weak area of faith?
  • What immature attitude or action do you need to change today in order to develop more fully in your faith?

Woe on Unrepentant Cities - Matthew 11:20-24

Understand It

  • After His praise of John, what did Jesus begin to do? (11:20)
  • Who was Jesus condemning? (11:20)
  • Why was Jesus denouncing the cities in which He performed most of His miracles? (11:20)
  • What two cities did Jesus condemn first? Why? (11:21)
  • How did Jesus say Korazin and Bethsaida were different from Tyre and Sidon? (11:21)
  • What did Jesus say would happen on the day of judgment? (11:22)
  • What city did Jesus single out for comparison with Sodom? (11:23)
  • What did Jesus predict for Capernaum? (11:23)
  • Why did Capernaum have a bleak future? (11:23)
  • To what ancient, evil city did Jesus compare Capernaum? Why? (11:23-24)
  • What city did Jesus say would face the sterner judgment than Sodom? Why? (11:24)

Apply It

  • What specific sin do you need to repent of today?
  • What are three things you could do this week to be a brighter light for Christ in your city or town?
  • In light of the certain judgment of God, what step could you take this week to reach a lost neighbor or friend?

Rest for the Weary - Matthew 11:25-30

Understand It

  • After pronouncing woe on several unrepentant cities, what did Jesus do? (11:25)
  • When did Jesus pray? (11:25)
  • How did Jesus address God? (11:25)
  • Why did Jesus say He was praising God? (11:25)
  • What did Jesus say God had entrusted or committed to Him? (11:27)
  • Who alone did Jesus say knew Him? (11:27)
  • Besides himself, who did Jesus say could know God? (11:27)
  • Who claimed to reveal God to the world? (11:27)
  • What general invitation did Christ make at this time? (11:28)
  • What kind of people was Jesus addressing? (11:28)
  • What promise did Jesus make to those who would accept His offer? (11:28)
  • What farming imagery did Jesus use to encourage people to come to Him? (11:29)
  • How did Jesus describe Himself? (11:29)
  • How is walking with Christ described? (11:30)

Apply It

  • What are two specific ways you can work with Christ tomorrow instead of going in your own direction?
  • Besides praying, what are some ways you can get to know your Father in heaven more intimately this week?
  • What burdens will you entrust to Christ today?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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