January 22


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 16

By Ron

January 22, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

The Demand for a Sign - Matthew 16:1-4

Understand It

  • Who approached Jesus? (16:1)
  • What were the people who approached Jesus really doing? (16:1)
  • What request did the people make of Jesus? (16:1)
  • Jesus answered the Pharisees and Sadducees by talking about what? (16:2)
  • What did a red sky at night mean in this context? (16:2)
  • What did a red sunrise indicate in this context? (16:3)
  • Why did Jesus chastise the Pharisees and Sadducees? (16:3-4)
  • What kind of generation did Jesus say looks for a sign? (16:4)
  • What single sign did Jesus offer? (16:4)
  • What did Jesus do after speaking with the Pharisees and Sadducees? (16:4)

Apply It

  • What are some ways you could use nature or the Bible to share the truth of Christ with a friend?
  • In what way can you show your faith in Christ this week?
  • What has God done in your life that you can use as a sign to others?

The Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees - Matthew 16:5-12

Understand It

  • Where were Jesus and His disciples traveling? (16:5)
  • What did the disciples forget to pack? (16:5)
  • What warning did Jesus issue to His followers? (16:6)
  • Whom did Jesus mention in His warning? (16:6)
  • How did the disciples misunderstand Jesus’ comments? (16:7)
  • What did Jesus say the disciples lacked? (16:8)
  • What did Jesus’ disciples fail to understand? (16:9)
  • What did Jesus’ disciples forget? (16:9)
  • What recent incidents did Jesus cite to make His point? (16:9-10)
  • How did Jesus clarify His remarks about yeast? (16:11)
  • What was Jesus encouraging His disciples to avoid? Why? (16:11-12)
  • What happened when Jesus explained His words? (16:12)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to become more sensitive to what God is trying to teach you through His Word?
  • What nonjudgmental and nonthreatening step can you take this week to warn a friend who is being led astray by unsound teaching?
  • What small evil do you need to root out of your life this week before it spreads and causes much trouble?

Peter's Confession of Christ - Matthew 16:13-20

Understand It

  • In what region did the events of this passage take place? (16:13)
  • What broad, impersonal question did Jesus ask His disciples? (16:13)
  • What different answers did Christ get to His question? (16:14)
  • What pointed personal question did Christ ask His followers? (16:15)
  • Who spoke up in answer to Christ’s question? (16:16)
  • What answer did Peter give? (16:16)
  • Why was Peter blessed? (16:17)
  • In what way is coming to faith and understanding the gospel a supernatural event? (16:17)
  • What kind of leadership role did Jesus predict for Peter? (16:18)
  • What did Jesus promise about the Church? (16:18)
  • What authority did Jesus promise to Peter? (16:19)
  • Against what did Jesus warn His disciples at the conclusion of this discussion? (16:20)

Apply It

  • What part in the building of Christ’s Church do you have now?
  • What can you do or say to help a friend overcome an erroneous idea about Jesus this week?
  • What are three ways you could make a public statement of your faith in Christ?

Jesus Predicts His Death - Matthew 16:21-28

Understand It

  • What did Christ begin telling His disciples would eventually happen to Him? (16:21)
  • How did Christ say He would suffer? (16:21)
  • Who did Christ say would oppose Him and make Him suffer? (16:21)
  • What did Christ say would happen after He was killed? (16:21)
  • How did Peter react to the news that Jesus would suffer and die? (16:22)
  • How did Jesus characterize Peter’s objections? (16:23)
  • What is required of the one who would follow Jesus? (16:24)
  • What two ways can a person lose his or her life? (16:25)
  • A person’s soul is more valuable than what? How? (16:26)
  • What did Jesus say would happen after His death and resurrection? (16:27)
  • What will happen after Christ returns? (16:27)
  • What did Jesus promise His disciples? (16:28)

Apply It

  • What do you need to do this week to center your thoughts on the things of God?
  • What is one way you can deny yourself today for Christ’s sake?
  • What change in your weekly schedule could you make to better reflect what God considers important?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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