February 7


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 28

By Ron

February 7, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

The Resurrection - Matthew 28:1-10

Understand It

  • When did the events of this passage occur? (28:1)
  • Who went to Jesus’ tomb? (28:1)
  • What significant events took place that morning? (28:2)
  • Where did the angel go, and what did he do? (28:2)
  • What did the angel look like? (28:3)
  • What effect did the angel have on the guards at the tomb of Jesus? (28:4)
  • What amazing news did the angel announce to the women at the tomb? (28:5-6)
  • What invitation did the angel give the women? (28:6)
  • What command did the angel give Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary"? (28:7)
  • How did the women feel as they left the tomb? (28:8)
  • What kind of meeting took place as the women were going to tell the disciples about Jesus? (28:9)
  • How did the women respond when Jesus met them? (28:9)
  • What words of challenge and comfort did the women receive? (28:10)

Apply It

  • When and where could you spend a few minutes meditating on the truth of this passage over the next week?
  • In what practical and realistic ways can you become more effective this week in spreading the good news about Christ?

The Guards' Report - Matthew 28:11-15

Understand it

  • While the women were going out to spread the good news, what did the guards from the tomb do? (28:11)
  • What groups met to discuss the "emergency" of Jesus’ missing body? (28:12)
  • What did the meeting of religious leaders produce? (28:12)
  • What did the chief priests give the soldiers? Why? (28:12-13)
  • Whom did the chief priests bribe? Why? (28:12-13)
  • Whom did the chief priests and elders use? Why? (28:12-13)
  • What did the religious leaders tell the soldiers to say? (28:13)
  • How did the religious leaders reassure the guards that they would not get in trouble with the Roman government? (28:14)
  • What did the soldiers think about the plot? (28:15)
  • To what degree was the story made up by Jesus’ enemies spread and believed? (28:15)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to prepare for discussions with those who don’t believe Jesus rose from the dead?
  • What first step do you need to take today to live with more integrity, no matter how much it costs you?

The Great Commission - Matthew 28:16-20

Understand It

  • Who went to Galilee? When? (28:16)
  • Where did the disciples gather? Why? (28:16)
  • Why did the disciples assemble on the specific mountain they chose? (28:16)
  • Who appeared to the disciples? When? (28:16-17)
  • What responses did Jesus’ appearance elicit? (28:17)
  • What did Jesus say about Himself? (28:18)
  • Where did Jesus tell His disciples to go? (28:19)
  • What did Jesus tell His disciples to make? (28:19)
  • What activities were the disciples to be involved in? (28:19-20)
  • With what words of comfort did Jesus leave His disciples? (28:20)

Apply It

  • What older and wiser Christian can you approach in the next couple of days to ask for help in spiritual learning, training, and growing?
  • What step can you take this week in the process of making disciples?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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