January 6


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 4

By Ron

January 6, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

The Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11)

Understand It

  • Who led Jesus into the wilderness? Why? (4:1)
  • Where was Jesus led? By whom? (4:1)
  • For what purpose was Jesus led into the desert? (4:1)
  • What made Jesus weak at this time? (4:2)
  • What three names are given to Jesus’ adversary in the desert? (4:3, 5, 10)
  • What was the first temptation presented to Jesus? (4:3)
  • How did Jesus respond to the first temptation? (4:4)
  • Where did the devil take Jesus for the second temptation? (4:5)
  • What tempting offer was made to Christ at the highest point of the temple? (4:6)
  • How did Jesus answer the second temptation? (4:7)
  • To what final destination did Satan take Christ? (4:8)
  • What did the devil show Jesus from a very high mountain? (4:8)
  • What did the devil promise Jesus in exchange for worship? (4:9)
  • How did Jesus react to the third temptation? (4:10)
  • What happened after Jesus had resisted Satan three times? (4:11)
  • Who came and ministered to Jesus when all was said and done? (4:11)

Apply It

  • In what specific area of your life is temptation the strongest these days?
  • What steps can you take this week to resist the temptations you are facing now?

Jesus Begins to Preach (Matthew 4:12-17)

Understand It

  • What happened to John the Baptist? (4:12)
  • What did Jesus do when He heard the news about John? (4:12)
  • Where in Galilee had Jesus been living? (4:13)
  • What is revealed here about the geography of Jesus’ new home? (4:13)
  • Where in Galilee did Jesus relocate? (4:13-14) Why?
  • What happened where Jesus relocated? (4:13-16)
  • Why was Christ’s move significant? (4:14)
  • Who foretold that Jesus would live in Capernaum? (4:14)
  • In what spiritual state were the inhabitants of this region before Jesus moved there? (4:16)
  • How is Jesus’ arrival in Capernaum described? (4:16)
  • What did Jesus do in His new hometown? (4:17)
  • What was Christ’s message from that time on? (4:17)

Apply It

  • To what places and people do you need to go this week as a light for Christ?
  • In what way can you encourage a missionary today, this week, or this month?

The Calling of the First Disciples (Matthew 4:18-22)

Understand It

  • Where did these particular events take place? (4:18)
  • Who did Jesus see as He walked by? (4:18)
  • What nickname did one of Jesus’ new disciples have? (4:18)
  • What were Simon and Andrew doing when Jesus approached them? (4:18)
  • What did these brothers do for a living? (4:18)
  • What exactly did Jesus say to Simon and Andrew? (4:19)
  • What was Simon and Andrew’s response to Jesus’ words? (4:20)
  • How long did Simon and Andrew deliberate over Jesus’ offer? (4:20)
  • Whom did Jesus see next? (4:21)
  • Who was Zebedee? (4:21)
  • In what activity were James and John involved? (4:21)
  • What did Jesus do when He saw the two brothers, James and John? (4:21)
  • How did James and John react to Jesus’ challenge? (4:22)

Apply It

  • In what area of your life will you follow Jesus more consciously this week?
  • What can you do or stop doing today in order to become a more expert "fisher of men"?

Jesus Heals the Sick (Matthew 4:23-25)

Understand It

  • Where did the incidents in this passage take place? (4:23)
  • What did Jesus do at the synagogues of this region? (4:23)
  • About what did Jesus preach? (4:23)
  • What activities was Jesus involved in during this ministry tour? (4:23)
  • How would you describe the publicity surrounding Jesus’ ministry in Galilee? (4:24)
  • How did the masses react to the news of what Jesus was doing? (4:24)
  • What kind of physically and spiritually ill people sought out Jesus? (4:24)
  • What did Jesus do for the suffering individuals who came to Him? (4:24)
  • Jesus’ audience grew to include people from what surrounding regions and cities? (4:25)
  • How are the crowds described? (4:25)
  • What did the people do after hearing Jesus and experiencing His healing touch? (4:25)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to encourage someone who is ill?
  • What realistic step can you take this week to share the good news of Christ with a non-Christian friend?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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