January 9


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 7

By Ron

January 9, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

Judging Others - Matthew 7:1-6

Understand It

  • What happens to those who are judgmental or critical? (7:1)
  • In what way will we be judged? (7:2)
  • By what measure will we be judged? (7:2)
  • What kind of faults do we notice in others? (7:3)
  • How did Jesus illustrate the foolishness of the way we find fault with others? (7:3)
  • What figure of speech did Jesus use to illustrate how blind we are to the shortcomings in our own lives? (7:4)
  • What did Jesus call those who ignore their own imperfections and focus on the flaws of others? Why? (7:5)
  • When is it good to confront others with their faults? (7:5)
  • Why is it necessary to deal with one’s own sins first? (7:5)
  • What are we not to do with sacred things? Why? (7:6)
  • What may happen if we disregard Jesus’ warning? (7:6)

Apply It

  • How can you begin this week to get in the habit of examining your own life before you start criticizing others?
  • What fault of your own can you focus attention on this week?

Ask, Seek, Knock - Matthew 7:7-12

Understand It

  • What did Jesus say will happen if we bring our requests to Him? (7:7)
  • What happens when we seek in Christ’s name? (7:7)
  • According to Jesus, what is the result for those who "knock" on God’s door? (7:7)
  • How do loving parents respond to a child’s request for bread? (7:9)
  • How do loving parents respond to a child’s request for fish? (7:10)
  • What is true about the character of even the best human parent? (7:11)
  • How can we be encouraged by the sight of godless parents doing good things for their children? (7:11)
  • What is the likelihood of God giving His praying children what they need? (7:11)
  • How are we to treat others? (7:12)
  • In what specific situations are we to follow the Golden Rule? (7:12)
  • Why is the command to treat others as you want to be treated so significant? (7:12)

Apply It

  • What request will you bring to God every day this week?
  • To what relationship do you most need to apply the Golden Rule this week?

The Narrow and Wide Gates - Matthew 7:13-14

Understand It

  • What command did Jesus give His followers in this passage? (7:13)
  • What exactly are we called to enter? Why? (7:13)
  • How did Jesus describe the gate to the kingdom of God? Why? (7:13)
  • In what way did Jesus describe the gate that leads to destruction? (7:13)
  • What was said about the road that leads to destruction? (7:13)
  • How many people are said to travel the path to destruction? (7:13)
  • What kind of gate leads to life? (7:14)
  • The small gate is attached to what kind of road? (7:14)
  • Where does the narrow road lead? (7:14)
  • How many people find and follow the narrow road? Why? (7:14)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to point someone toward the small gate?
  • How can you show God your appreciation for His mercy and grace in leading you to the path of eternal life?
  • What action can you take this week to help you stay on the narrow path?

A Tree and Its Fruit - Matthew 7:15-23

Understand It

  • Against whom did Jesus warn us? Why? (7:15)
  • What do false prophets look like on the outside? (7:15)
  • What are false prophets like inwardly? (7:15)
  • How did Christ say we could recognize false prophets? (7:16, 20)
  • What does nature reveal about a tree and its fruit? (7:16)
  • What kind of fruit do good trees bear? Why? (7:17-18)
  • What type of produce grows on bad trees? Why? (7:17-18)
  • What happens to trees that fail to produce good fruit? (7:18)
  • Who will enter the kingdom of heaven? (7:21)
  • How will some people try to talk their way into heaven? (7:22)
  • What credentials or accomplishments will some people claim? (7:22)
  • How will Jesus respond to these impostors? (7:23)
  • What is necessary for entry into heaven? (7:23)

Apply It

  • What spiritual disciplines can you use to cultivate your soul this week?
  • In what area of your life can you place more emphasis on doing good works each day this week?

The Wise and Foolish Builders - Matthew 7:24-29

Understand It

  • Who did Jesus say is wise? (7:24)
  • Besides hearing the words of Christ, what else must a person do in order to be considered wise? (7:24)
  • Jesus compared wise living to building a house on what kind of foundation? (7:24)
  • What sets fools apart from wise people? (7:24, 26)
  • In Jesus’ analogy, what strong forces of nature pounded on the wise person’s house? (7:25)
  • What was the effect of the wind and rain on the house? (7:25)
  • Why wasn’t the house part of a "disaster area"? (7:25)
  • What kind of people did Jesus talk about in contrast to the wise person? (7:26)
  • What individuals are like a man who builds a house on sand? (7:26)
  • According to Jesus, foolish living is like building a house on what kind of foundation? (7:26)
  • In Jesus’ analogy, what happened when the wind and water crashed against the fool’s house? (7:27)
  • How did the crowd respond to Jesus’ teaching? (7:28)
  • Why did the crowd react with amazement to Jesus’ teaching? (7:29)

Apply It

  • What can you do today to encourage someone to listen to the voice of Jesus and obey what he or she hears?
  • What neglected command of Christ will you begin obeying this week?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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