January 13


New Testament in a Year – Matthew 9

By Ron

January 13, 2025

Matthew, New Testament

Jesus Heals a Paralytic - Matthew 9:1-8

Understand It

  • What means of transportation did Jesus use to get to His own town? (9:1)
  • What was Jesus’ destination? (9:1)
  • Upon His arrival, whom did Jesus encounter? (9:2)
  • What attribute did the men exhibit in coming to Christ? (9:2)
  • What unexpected comment did Jesus make to the disabled person among them? (9:2)
  • Who observed the exchange between the paralytic and Jesus? (9:3)
  • What did the teachers of the law think about Jesus’ declaration? (9:3)
  • What supernatural ability did Jesus use? (9:4)
  • What did Jesus say about the teachers’ opinions? (9:4-6)
  • What was Jesus’ argument for His authority to forgive sins? (9:5-6)
  • What did Jesus do to prove His authority to forgive sins? (9:6)
  • What happened to the paralytic? (9:7)
  • What did the paralytic do? (9:7)
  • What was the crowd’s reaction to this event? (9:8)

Apply It

  • What can you do for a hurting friend this week?
  • How can you show your appreciation to God today for His saving work in your life?

The Calling of Matthew - Matthew 9:9-13

Understand It

  • Who did Jesus see sitting at a tax collector’s booth? (9:9)
  • What was Matthew’s job? (9:9)
  • What did Jesus tell Matthew to do? (9:9)
  • How did Matthew respond to Jesus’ statement? (9:9)
  • Where did Jesus and Matthew go? Why? (9:10)
  • What kind of people joined Jesus and His new follower for dinner? (9:10)
  • What did the Pharisees think of Jesus’ attendance at Matthew’s social function? (9:11)
  • Who reported the Pharisees’ comments to Jesus? (9:12)
  • What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees? (9:12)
  • What did Jesus tell His listeners they needed to learn? (9:13)
  • What did Jesus say He had come to earth to do? (9:13)

Apply It

  • How can you cultivate a relationship with a non-Christian friend this week?
  • What can you do to remind yourself to view others as they can be, instead of seeing only their faults?

Jesus Questioned About Fasting - Matthew 9:14-17

Understand It

  • Who approached Jesus after the dinner party at Matthew’s house? (9:14)
  • What topic were John’s disciples interested in discussing with Christ? (9:14)
  • What did John’s disciples want to know? (9:14)
  • How did Jesus explain the fact that His disciples did not fast? (9:15)
  • What imagery did Jesus use as an illustration? (9:15)
  • To what did Jesus compare Himself? (9:15)
  • What did Jesus suggest would happen? (9:15)
  • What sewing illustration did Jesus use? (9:16)
  • Using an illustration from the world of wine making, Jesus talked about the need to do what? (9:17)
  • What did Jesus say would happen if new wine was poured into old wineskins? (9:17)

Apply It

  • Throughout this week, how can you embrace God’s grace and acceptance in Christ?
  • What specific steps can you take today to experience the joy that comes from appreciating Christ’s saving work?

A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman - Matthew 9:18-26

Understand It

  • Who approached Jesus? (9:18)
  • What did the man do? (9:18)
  • With what startling situation and request did the man present Jesus? (9:18)
  • How did Jesus react? (9:19)
  • Who accompanied Jesus? (9:19)
  • While Jesus and the others made their way to the man’s house, who touched Jesus’ cloak? (9:20)
  • From what kind of ailment did the woman suffer? (9:20)
  • What was the woman’s reasoning for touching Jesus’ cloak? (9:21)
  • What happened as the woman made contact with Jesus? (9:22)
  • What did Jesus do for the woman? (9:22)
  • Why was the woman healed? (9:22)
  • Upon arriving at the ruler’s house, what did Jesus say to the crowd? (9:24)
  • What was the crowd’s response to Jesus’ unexpected statement? (9:24)
  • What did Christ do after He put the crowd outside? (9:25)
  • What happened after Christ left? (9:26)

Apply It

  • How can you trust God today to work in the impossible situation you are facing?
  • What act of kindness can you show this week to someone who is ill or grieving?

Jesus Heals the Blind and Mute - Matthew 9:27-34

Understand It

  • Who was following Jesus? (9:27)
  • What were the men calling Jesus? (9:27)
  • What were the men asking Christ to do? (9:27)
  • What question did Jesus ask the men who were following Him? (9:28)
  • How did the men respond to Jesus’ question? (9:28)
  • What did Jesus do to grant the men’s request? (9:29)
  • What did Jesus say to the men? (9:30)
  • What was the effect of Jesus’ actions on the men? (9:30)
  • What stern warning did Jesus give the men? (9:30)
  • How well did the men heed Jesus’ command? (9:31)
  • Who was brought to Jesus for healing after the two blind men were healed? (9:32)
  • What happened to the demon-possessed man? (9:33)
  • What was the reaction of the onlookers when the demon was driven out? (9:33)
  • How did the Pharisees explain what happened? (9:34)

Apply It

  • What is the first step you need to take in obeying one command that you have found difficult to obey?
  • How might you demonstrate the love of Christ this week to someone who is disabled?

The Workers Are Few - Matthew 9:35-38

Understand It

  • Where did Jesus go? To do what? (9:35)
  • Where did Jesus teach? (9:35)
  • What did Jesus preach about? (9:35)
  • What kinds of disease and sickness did Jesus heal? (9:35)
  • What emotion did Jesus feel when He saw the crowds of people around Him? (9:36)
  • Why did Jesus feel as He did? (9:36)
  • What helpless animals were the people compared to? (9:36)
  • In what terms did Jesus describe the situation He and His disciples were observing? (9:37)
  • How did Jesus describe the number of people helping others come to Him? (9:37)
  • Who did Jesus tell His disciples to discuss the lack of workers with? (9:37)
  • *For whom did Jesus tell His disciples to pray? (9:37)

Apply It

  • For what non-Christians will you pray regularly from now on?
  • What missionaries can you pray for this week?
  • How can you make a difference today in the life of someone who is "harassed and helpless"?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

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