February 12


Numbers 1-2

By Ron

February 12, 2024

Gen-Rev, Numbers

Numbers 1

There is a short introduction available for the book of Numbers. You can read it here.

Numbers 1 opens with the phrase, “The Lord spoke to Moses.” This is a key phrase for the book as it is repeated some 65 times. What follows is either divine revelation or instruction.

In the case of Number 1:1, the phrase is followed by God’s instructions for the first census of the tribes and the duties of the Levites.

In verses 1-19, the Lord ordered Moses to take a census of the people of Israel on the first day of the second month of the second year after the people left Egypt:

  • The census was completed by tribe numbering the men 20 years old and older who could serve in Israel’s army.
  • Moses and Aaron were to be assisted in the work of completing the census by specific men, one from each tribe, that were the heads of their clans.
  • They counted one by one the men over 20 years old just as the Lord commanded.

In verses 20-46, the census counts by tribe are listed:

  • Verses 20-21 the tribe of Reuben 46,500.
  • Verses 22-23 the tribe of Simeon 59,300.
  • Verses 24-25 the tribe of Gad 45,650.
  • Verses 26-27 the tribe of Judah 74,600.
  • Verses 28-29 the tribe of Issachar 54,400.
  • Verses 30-31 the tribe of Zebulun 57,400.
  • Verses 32-33 the tribe of Ephraim 40,500.
  • Verses 34-35 the tribe of Manasseh 32,200.
  • Verses 36-37 the tribe of Benjamin 35,400.
  • Verses 38-39 the tribe of Dan  62,700.
  • Verses 40-41 the tribe of Asher 41,500.
  • Verses 42-43 the tribe of Naphtali 53,400.
  • Verses 44-46 the grand total of men 20 years old and older of the 12 tribes 603,550.

Note: The total was 603,550 men. Assuming these men were married with an average of two children, an estimated total population of 2-3 million people is quite possible.

In verses 47-54, The Levites were exempted from inclusion in the census and from serving in the army because they were responsible for the care and transport of the tabernacle.

In verse 55, the chapter concludes with a confirmation that the Israelites did everything God had commanded.

Numbers 2

In Numbers 2, the Lord gave Moses and Aaron instructions for ordering the arrangement of the tribes in the camp.

In verses 1-2, the Lord told Moses and Aaron the tribes were to camp around the tent of meeting with their banners beside the respective flags of their tribes.

Note: There were four banners (or “standards” in some translations), one for each group of three tribes. These banners were placed alongside the flags of the individual tribes.

  • Verses 3-9 on the east side were the tribes of Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun.

Note: Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun were the fourth, fifth, and sixth sons of Jacob by Leah.

  • Verses 10-17 on the south side were the tribes of Reuben, Simeon, and Gad.

Note: Reuben and Simeon were the first and second sons of Jacob by Leah. Levi, the third son of Leah, was not included because of their special placement serving God. Gad, the first son of Leah’s handmaid, was included in this group.

  • Verses 18-24 on the west side were Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin.

Note: Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin were the sons of Jacob by Rachel.

  • Verses 25-31 on the north side were the tribes of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali.

Note: Dan and Asher were the sons of Rachel’s handmaid. Asher was the second son of Leah’s handmaid.

In verses 32-34, the total of the tribes was 603,550, not counting the Levites. The Israelites did everything the Lord commanded.

Note: The details of Numbers 2 demonstrate God is a God of organization. He dictated the order and placement of each of the tribes around the tribe of Levi, who was in the center of the camp. The Levites themselves were stationed around the perimeter of the tabernacle to create a safety zone protecting the people from coming too close the tabernacle.

Note: If you were to look down on the entire encampment from above, based on the size of each tribe, they would form the basic shape of a cross with God in the very center.

Note: God’s presence in the pillar of cloud and tower of fire could be seen by the entire nation, while the ark of the covenant in the Holy of Holies represented God’s throne among His chosen people.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • At this time, God lived in the center of the people’s life and was visible to them night and day. We also have God in the center of our lives in the form of the Holy Spirit, who is available to us night and day!

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Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Numbers 3-4

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