February 25


Numbers 28-29

By Ron

February 25, 2025

Gen-Rev, Numbers

What I Noticed Today (Numbers 28-29)

Numbers 28-29

Numbers 28-29 give instructions to the new generation for the daily offerings (Exodus 29), the Sabbath (Exodus 20), monthly offerings (Numbers 10), and the feasts of Passover (Exodus 12), Weeks (Leviticus 23), Trumpets (Numbers 28), Atonement (Leviticus 16), and Booths (Leviticus 23). All these had been given previously to the Exodus generation at Mt. Sinai.

Note: The word “regular” is used 17 times in these two chapters, stressing the importance of regular worship before the Lord. In addition, there are special times of worship that must not be neglected.

Numbers 28

In verses 1-8, the Lord spoke to Moses and gave him instructions regarding the burnt, grain, and drink offerings to be given daily.

In verses 9-10, the Lord gave Moses instructions for the burnt, drink, and grain offerings to be made on the Sabbath.

In verses 11-15, the Lord gave Moses instructions for the burnt, grain, and drink offerings to be offered on the first day of each month.

In verses 16-25, the Lord gave Moses instructions for celebrating Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread beginning on the fourteenth day of the first month of the year and continuing for seven days.

In verses 26-31, the Lord gave Moses instructions for the burnt, grain, and drink offerings to celebrate the Feast of Weeks.

Numbers 29

In verses 1-6, the Lord gave Moses instructions for the burnt and grain offerings to celebrate the Festival of Trumpets on the first day of the seventh month. These offerings were to be in addition to the regular first of the month offerings.

In verses 7-11, the Lord gave Moses instructions for the burnt and grain offerings to celebrate the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) on the tenth day of the seventh month. These offerings were to be in addition to the regular daily offerings.

In verses 12-40, the Lord gave Moses instructions for the burnt and grain offerings to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (or the Feast of Booths) from the fifteenth day of the seventh month through the twenty-second day of the seventh month. These offerings were to be in addition to the regular daily offerings.

  • All these offerings were in addition to their regular freewill burnt, grain, or drink offerings, or their fellowship offerings.

Note: Provisions were made for the burnt, grain, drink, and fellowship offerings. Each with its own meaning and purpose.

  • Burnt Offering symbolized the atonement or reconciliation secured by the sacrifice of Christ.
  • Grain Offering symbolized the giving of thanks for the atoning sacrifice and the dedication of one's life because of the atoning sacrifice.
  • Drink Offering symbolized the pouring out, the sacrificing of a person's life in thanksgiving for the substitute sacrifice.
  • The Fellowship Offering symbolized the believer seeking to grow in the fellowship and peace of God—all because of the substitute sacrifice that brought about the atonement or reconciliation with God.
  • Some thoughts for additional consideration:

    • Each of these offerings points to Jesus Christ, our Savior, who made atonement for our sins, reconciling us to God. As we study, as we gather together, we should be ever mindful of the sacrifice God made in sending His Son to die on the Cross for us!

    What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

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    Tomorrow: Numbers 30-31

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