March 5


Chronological Bible Study – Mar. 05

By Ron

March 5, 2025

Chronological, Epoch 3, Numbers

What I Noticed Today (Numbers 23-25)

Numbers 23-24

Numbers 23-24 recount Balaam’s four oracles, or prophecies, to Balak, king of Moab.

Numbers 23

We know from the end of chapter 22 that Balak took Balaam to the top of Mount Attarus, known as Bamoth-baal (which means “the high place of Baal”). Baal was the god of the Moabites. At the top of the mountain, they could see “a fraction of the people” (Numbers 22:41).

In verses 1-6, once there, Balaam had Balak prepare seven altars and seven sacrifices of bulls and rams. These were sacrifices to Baal, not to God.

  • Balaam announced that he would go some distance away and look for a sign from God.
  • Rather than giving Balaam a sign, God put words in Balaam’s mouth, telling him what to say.

Balaam’s First Oracle

In verses 7-12, Balaam delivered his first oracle.

  • The first oracle focused on God’s people, Israel.
  • There are four important statements about the Israelites: God’s people are innocent, not cursed, they are separated/distinctive, they are numerous, and they are a righteous people with an eternal hope!
  • Balak complained that he had brought Balaam there to curse Israel, but Balaam had blessed them. Balaam defended himself, saying he could only speak what the Lord told him to say.

Balaam’s Second Oracle

In verses 13-26, Balaam delivered his second oracle:

  • Balak moved them to Mt. Pisgah from which they could see most of the Israelite camp and the Promised Land.
  • Another seven altars were built and sacrifices made to Baal.
  • The Lord met Balaam once again and put words in his mouth.
  • The second oracle focused on God as the source of Israel’s blessing. God is described as truthful, faithful to fulfill His promises, He is their guardian, and He is powerful enough to slay any enemy.
  • Balak told Balaam not to bless or curse the Israelites, but Balaam said he must speak the words the Lord gave him.

Numbers 24

Balaam’s Third Oracle

In Numbers 23:27-24:14, Balaam delivered his third oracle:

  • Balak moved the group once again, this time to the top of Peor, the center of Baal worship in Moab, overlooking the desert, where he could see each of the Israelite camps.
  • Balak hoped that this change of location would allow God to put a curse on the Israelites.
  • Seven altars were built and sacrifices made as before.
  • Balaam realized that God intended to bless Israel.
  • This time, Balaam didn’t go off to look for omens but stayed, and the Spirit of God came upon him. Balaam’s eyes were opened, he heard the Word of God, and he saw a vision from the Almighty. In this third oracle, Balaam described the eight specific ways God would bless the Israelites:
    • Their homes and land will be beautiful.
    • Their homes and lands will be fruitful.
    • Their resources will be abundant.
    • Their leaders will be exalted. 
    • Their Deliverer is God Himself.
    • Their strength is like an ox. 
    • Their victory over enemies will be complete.
    • Their courage and security are assured.
    • Their blessings are guaranteed by the promise of God.
  • Balak was furious that Balaam had blessed the Israelites these three times and said while he was prepared to reward Balaam, it was the Lord who had denied his reward.
  • Balaam said again that he could only speak what the Lord told him regardless of the promised reward. But before he left, Balaam told Balak what God said would happen to Moab.

Balaam’s Fourth Oracle

In verses 15-25, Balaam delivered his fourth oracle:

  • Balaam’s fourth oracle focused on the coming Deliverer, the Messiah, Jesus Christ! He described the Deliverer’s reign and the future dominion of the Israelites.
  • The star will come from Jacob, and a scepter will arise from Israel and destroy Moab and Edom (Seir is another name for Edom).
  • Amalek will be destroyed.
  • The Kenites would be taken captive by the Assyrians.
  • Ships of Kittim will destroy Asshur (Assyria) and Eber.
  • When he had finished speaking, Balaam returned to his homeland.

Note: WOW! We see a Gentile soothsayer whom God directs to speak four oracles: about God’s people, about the character of God, about God’s blessings to His chosen people, and finally, about the future of God’s people and the coming of the Messiah!

Numbers 25

In Numbers 25, we see the Israelite men who sought Moabite women who invited the Israelites to their pagan sacrifices, they ate, and bowed down to Baal.

Note: In Numbers 31:16, we’ll see that this came at the direct suggestion of none other than Balaam!

In verses 1-5, Some of the men of Israel became disobedient:

  • The Israelites were camped in the Acacia Grover (lower Jordan River).
  • Some of the men began to have sex with the Moabite women.

Note: Sex was part of the Canaanite fertility rites (1 Kings 14:22-24) and part of their worship service.

  • The women then invited the men to attend the sacrifices to their gods, ate with them, and bowed down to worship the Canaanite gods.
  • The Lord’s anger burned against them, and He ordered Moses to execute the men who had worshiped Baal in broad daylight before the Lord. So Moses ordered Israel’s judges to execute all the men who had worshiped Baal.

In verses 6-15, Phineas intervened on behalf of the Israelites:

  • God was understandably furious and ordered the judges to kill all the men who yoked themselves to Baal. A plague came upon the camp.
  • Phineas, the grandson of Aaron, saw one of these men and his Moabite wife and killed them by driving a spear through them both. The man’s name was Zimri son of Salu, leader of the Simeonites.
  • His action stopped the plague, but 24,000 had died.
  • The result of Phineas’ zealous action was that God granted a covenant of peace to him and all his generations.

In verses 16-18, The Lord ordered Moses to attack the Midianites and kill them because they had brought treachery into the Israelite camp when they caused the Israelites to worship Baal.

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • God’s purpose and plan will not be thwarted. He will not be stopped by pagan sacrifices or incantations. He will do what he has promised, exactly how he promised. But God is a jealous God, and He will not tolerate those who are not faithful to Him!

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Tomorrow: Day 65 Numbers 26-27

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