May 21


Chronological Bible Study – May 21

By Ron

May 21, 2024

2 Samuel, Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Psalms

What I Noticed Today (2 Samuel 22-23; Psalm 57)

2 Samuel 22

2 Samuel 22 is a psalm of thanksgiving to the Lord that David offered sometime after the initial battles to claim the land and after Saul had died.

Note: This passage bears striking similarities to Psalm 18. The psalm seems to be a look back over his life as David gives God credit for many military victories, and for sustaining and protecting him through many years of trials and suffering.

Note: Deliverance is a key aspect of this psalm. The word “deliver” is used six times (vv. 1, 2, 18, 20, 40, 49). The image of David’s many years spent in the wilderness is seen in his references to God being his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer. David speaks to the Lord’s faithfulness (vv. 26-28), how the Lord guided and empowered him to fulfill his calling (vv. 29-43), and finally how the Lord had established David in the land (vv. 44-51).

Some thoughts for additional consideration:

  • At times, David was very close to God, and at times he seemed to lead on his own power. But in the end, David recognized that without the Lord guiding and leading him, he would never have been able to achieve what he had for the people.
  • We would do well to be that kind of leader in our family and our businesses. We would do well to insist on that kind of leadership in our governing agencies. If we had men and women of God faithfully following Him, we wouldn’t be experiencing some of the difficulties we are facing today!

2 Samuel 23

2 Samuel 23 begins with David’s song about leadership.

  • In verse 1, he refers to being called by God.
  • In verse 2, he refers to being led by the Holy Spirit.
  • Verses 3-6 describe a Godly leader as one who rules justly in fear of God, not for selfish gain.

Note: David uses two metaphors to describe the results of a good leader: they are like the sun shining in the morning, and like the rain that makes the grass grow.

  • Verses 6-7 describe worthless men (presumably leaders) as being like thorns that are thrown away and consumed in a fire.

The balance of 2 Samuel 23 lists the accomplishments of the mighty men that had served David over the years.

  • Interestingly, David included Uriah the Hittite in the list since it was David’s own treachery that got Uriah killed.
  • Of note, is the diversity of David’s mighty men who came from a variety of backgrounds, and tribes, and some were foreigners.

All the notes for the book of 2 Samuel have been compiled into a single pdf document. You can download it by clicking here.

Psalm 57

Psalm 57 is similar to Psalm 56.

In verses 1-5, David asks God to be merciful to him and to allow him to take refuge from his enemies. He describes his soul as being in danger from wild beasts.

In verses 6-11, David describes his enemies as waiting to trap him in a pit but that they had fallen into it. Therefore, David praised the Lord in a song of victory for His love and faithfulness to him.

What did you notice in your study today? Feel free to visit the website and leave a question or a comment.

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Tomorrow: Day 142 Psalms 95, 97-99
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