June 7


Chronological Bible Study – June 7

By Ron

June 7, 2024

Bible Study Daily, Chronological, Epoch 4, Proverbs

What I Noticed Today (Proverbs 13-15)

Proverbs 13

There are five sections or themes discussed in Proverbs 13:

In verses 1-3, contrasts the speech of a wise man against the speech of the foolish. A wise son listens to their parent’s instruction, while a foolish son doesn’t. The speech of a wise man is fruitful. The wise man controls his speech and preserves his life.

In verses 4-11, Solomon contrasts the work ethic of the righteous man against that of the lazy man. The righteous man works diligently and is satisfied. The righteous hate lies and is guarded by his righteousness. The righteous do not make a show of their wealth, knowing that wealth can bring threats. The life of the righteous brings joy. The righteous work hard gaining wealth slowly.

In verses 12-19, the hopes and desires of the wise are described. The wise have hope and receive and accept instruction. The wise know and follow God’s Law and win the favor of God. The wise act prudently and are trustworthy messengers. The wise heed correction and are successful. The wise realize their hopes and are joyful.

In verses 20-21, speak to learning from others. The righteous surround themselves with the wise and learn from them and are blessed with prosperity.

In verses 22-25, the righteous man’s relationship with his family. The righteous man provides for and leaves an inheritance for his grandchildren. The righteous man works hard and prospers. The righteous man who loves his children is diligent in his discipline. The righteous man is satisfied with what he has.

Proverbs 14

There are four major sections or themes in Proverbs 14:

In verses 1-10, Solomon contrasts the way of the wise in their daily life against the way of the foolish. The wise woman builds up her house. The righteous walk in the way of the Lord. The righteous watch what they say. The righteous are a faithful witness who discerns truth and avoids the foolish. The righteous give thought to their conduct. The righteous seek reconciliation with God.

In verses 11-15, the wise are prepared for life and death. The righteous will flourish, trusting in God. The wise person is fruitful giving thought to their actions.

In verses 16-27, Solomon contrasts the wise man who fears the Lord against the foolish man who does not. The wise man turns away from sin and hates those who scheme and plot evil. The prudent gains knowledge. The righteous man is blessed because they are generous to the poor. The righteous avoid evil and gain loves and steadfastness. The wise are blessed with wealth. They are truthful. The righteous have confidence and are given life because they fear the Lord.

In verses 28-35, Solomon considers how the wise view their duty as citizens. The wise know rulers need support. The wise control their tempers and live in peace. The wise honor God by being generous to the needy. A nation is exalted by the righteous. The righteous servant serves the leaders with wisdom

Proverbs 15

There are seven major sections or themes in Proverbs 15:

In verses 1-7, Solomon continues with instruction about a wise person’s speech. The wise answer softly turning away wrath. The wise commend knowledge. The righteous encourage and bring healing. The wise accept their parent’s correction. The wise share their knowledge.

In verses 8-9, Solomon says the prayers of the righteous please the Lord.

In verses 10-12, Solomon describes the wicked person’s response to discipline. The wicked die because they reject God’s way. The wicked resent correction.

In verses 13-15, Solomon describes the heart of the wise. The wise are happy, and they seek knowledge. The wise have cheerful hearts.

In verses 16-17, Solomon describes how the wise person values God’s love. The wise choose to love God, knowing that it is better to have a little and love God than have much and reject God.

In verses 18-30, Solomon contrasts the behavior of the wise with the behavior of the wicked. The wise man is patient and reduces dissension. The path of the righteous overcomes obstacles. The wise child brings joy to their parents. The wise man walks a straight path. The wise succeed because they plan and seek counsel. The righteous are prudent and humble. The righteous man’s words are pure; they hate bribes, and they consider well what they say.  The Lord is close to the righteous and hears their prayers. The righteous are cheerful, bringing good news.

In verses 31-33, Solomon reinforces how the wise man heeds correction. The wise man listens to correction and surrounds himself with those that are wise. The wise man listens to correction and gains insight. The wise man fears the Lord, humbles himself and accepts His correction.

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Proverbs 16-18

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