February 13


Day 44: Romans 13-15

By Ron

February 13, 2025

90-Days, New Testament, Romans

Submission to the Authorities - Romans 13:1-7

Understand It

  • What attitude is a Christian showing toward God when he or she rebels against the government? (13:2)
  • What should a Christian do to maintain a good relationship with the government? (13:3-4)
  • How should a Christian respond to the tax laws and requirements of the government? (13:6-7)

Apply It

  • How and when could you set aside time to pray for national, state, and local public officials?

Love, for the Day Is Near - Romans 13:8-14

Understand It

  • In what area of life is a Christian to maintain a continuing debt? (13:8)
  • What one command sums up all the other commands? (13:9)
  • What should a Christian be thinking about each day? (13:14)

Apply It

  • What specific gesture of love or kindness can you use to build a relationship this week?

The Weak and the Strong - Romans 14:1-15:13

Understand It

  • What reasons did Paul give for not judging people on disputable matters? (14:1-12)
  • What should be the primary motivation for a person’s decision to eat meat or celebrate a sacred day? (13:6-8)
  • What is a Christian’s responsibility for building peace among the other believers? (14:19-21)

Apply It

  • What can you do this week to spread peace and mutual edification among Christians?

Paul, the Minister to the Gentiles - Romans 15:14-22

Understand It

  • Why did Paul preach to the Gentiles? (15:16)
  • What was the only thing that Paul was willing to speak of? (15:18-19)
  • What was Paul’s ambition? (15:20)

Apply It

  • At this point in your life, what could you do to determine whether your vocation is in line with God’s desires for your life?

Paul's Plan to Visit Rome - Romans 15:23-33

Understand It

  • How did Paul want the Roman Christians to help him? (15:24, 30-32)
  • What was Paul taking to Jerusalem? (15:26)
  • How did Paul explain why Gentiles should give financial assistance to Jews in Jerusalem? (15:27)

Apply It

  • What sacrifice can you make this week to help another believer who is struggling with a burden?

Prayer Request? It is our honor to pray for you. You may write to us with your prayer requests at prayer@biblestudydaily.org.

Tomorrow: Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 1-2

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