Paul's Change of Plans - 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4
Understand It
- How did Paul support his claim that he had been sincere with the Corinthians? (1:12)
- Why did Paul change his travel plans? (1:15-16)
- Why did Paul decide not to return to Corinth? (1:23)
Apply It
- How can you remind yourself to listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and direction in your daily life?
Forgiveness for the Sinner - 2 Corinthians 2:5-11
Understand It
- How did the Corinthians finally respond to the person who hurt Paul? (2:6)
- What advice did Paul give the Corinthians regarding the man who had sinned? (2:7-8)
- Why was it important that the Corinthians forgive the man whom they disciplined? (2:10-11)
Apply It
- What is the first step you should take this week to forgive and reaffirm your love for someone who has sinned against you?
Ministers of the New Covenant - 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6
Understand It
- Why was Paul thankful to the Lord? (2:14)
- In what sense were the Corinthians a record of Paul’s values and concerns? (3:2-3)
- Where did Paul get his competence? (3:5-6)
Apply It
- When could you talk with your pastor to learn of your church’s concerns and thus be able to pray for these needs more effectively?
The Glory of the New Covenant - 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
Understand It
- Why could the Israelites not look at Moses’ face? (3:7)
- What is the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant? (3:11)
- How does the glory of the new covenant differ from that of the old covenant? (3:18)
Apply It
- For what people do you want to pray this week, that the veil over their understanding will be removed?
Treasures in Jars of Clay - 2 Corinthians 4:1-18
Understand It
- Why did Paul tell the Corinthians not to lose heart? (4:1)
- How did Paul contrast his own weakness with God’s power? (4:8-9)
- How did Paul encourage the Corinthians to carry on despite difficulty? (4:16-18)
Apply It
- What do you want to remember the next time you feel discouraged?