The Parable of the Sower - Luke 8:1-15
Understand It
- Where did Jesus bring His message? (8:1)
- What women do we meet in this passage? (8:2-3)
- What facts about the women who followed Jesus do we learn? (8:2-3)
- What did the various "supporting characters" do in this story? (8:1-4)
- What method did Jesus choose to use in communicating His message? (8:4)
- What happened to each group of seeds? (8:5-8)
- How did Jesus conclude His parable? (8:8)
- How much of the parable did the people understand? (8:9-10)
- How much of the parable did the disciples understand? (8:9-10)
- What did the seed represent? (8:11)
- What was the seed on the path like? (8:12)
- Why couldn’t those who received the Word with joy stay faithful? (8:13)
- What choked those who were represented by the seed among the thorns? (8:14)
- How did the seed scattered on good soil fare? (8:15)
Apply It
- What will most help you be responsive to God in your study of the Bible?
- With whom can you share the truth about what Jesus means to you, that your faith may bear fruit?
A Lamp on a Stand - Luke 8:16-18
Understand It
- In what places would it be absurd to put a lamp? (8:16)
- According to Jesus, what is not done with a lamp? (8:16)
- What is done with a lamp? (8:16)
- What contrasts do we see in this passage? (8:16-18)
- Why would someone put a light on a stand? (8:16)
- How much can ultimately be hidden? (8:17)
- What will happen to those things that are hidden? (8:17)
- What are we to consider carefully? (8:18)
- What did Jesus say our response should be to what we hear? (8:18)
- What did Jesus say about what God entrusts to us? (8:18)
Apply It
- What are some symbols you can use to show others your Christian identity?
- What step can you take to be a better listener to this and other parables?
Jesus' Mother and Brothers - Luke 8:19-21
Understand It
- Who came to see Jesus? (8:19)
- What kept Jesus’ family from seeing Him? (8:19)
- How can we infer that Jesus’ family was anxious to see Him? (8:19-20)
- Where did Jesus’ mother and brothers wait for Him? (8:20)
- How did Jesus hear of His family’s arrival? (8:20)
- How did Jesus respond to His family’s desire to see Him? (8:21)
- What did Jesus consider more important than family? (8:21)
- With what is "hearing" closely associated? (8:21)
- How did Jesus identify those who heard God’s Word and put in into practice?
- What two things constituted family ties to Jesus? (8:21)
Apply It
- What practical change in your daily routine would help you listen to God’s Word better?
- With whom can you share your concerns about putting Scripture into practice so that he or she can pray for you?
Jesus Calms a Storm - Luke 8:22-25
Understand It
- Whom did Jesus ask to accompany Him? (8:22)
- Where did Jesus and His disciples go? How? (8:22)
- What happened after Jesus and His disciples set sail? (8:23)
- How did Jesus react to the growing storm? (8:23)
- What did the disciples think of the turn of events? (8:24)
- How and how quickly did the situation change? (8:24)
- After the storm was calmed, what did Jesus ask the disciples? (8:25)
- What emotions overwhelmed the disciples? (8:25)
- What did the disciples realize about Jesus’ identity? (8:25)
- What did the disciples see of Jesus’ manner? (8:25)
Apply It
- What can you do today to build up your faith in Jesus for the next time you feel overwhelmed?
- In what way can you show your assurance in God’s ability to rescue His people?
The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man - Luke 8:26-39
Understand It
- Where did Jesus and His disciples go? By what means? (8:26)
- What was the first thing to greet Jesus and His disciples upon their arrival? (8:27)
- What had the demon-possessed man’s life been like until he met Jesus? (8:27, 29)
- How did the demon-possessed man react to Jesus? (8:28)
- Of what was the man afraid? (8:28)
- Why was the man called Legion? (8:30)
- What did the demons choose over life in the Abyss? (8:31-32)
- What resulted from the demons’ choice? (8:33)
- How did those tending the pigs react to what happened? (8:34)
- Who else heard what happened, and what did they find at the region of the Gerasenes? (8:35)
- What emotion gripped all but the man who had been possessed by demons? (8:34-37)
- What did the man want to do? (8:38)
- Why did Jesus say no to the man’s request to go with Him? (8:38-39)
- What was the result of the man’s obedience? (8:39)
Apply It
- What can you do this week to be more aware of Jesus’ ability to help you with your most serious problems?
- Whom can you tell today how much God has done for you?
A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman - Luke 8:40-56
Understand It
- What kind of reception did Jesus get when He returned? (8:40)
- Who was Jairus? (8:41-42)
- What did Jairus want Jesus to do? (8:41-42)
- What role do crowds play in this passage? (8:40, 42, 45, 47, 52-53)
- What do we know about the sick woman? (8:43-44)
- How did Jesus know that someone had been healed? (8:45-46)
- What was the woman’s reaction to being discovered? (8:47)
- To what did Jesus attribute the woman’s healing? (8:48)
- What happened to Jairus’s daughter while Jesus was traveling? (8:49)
- What commands did Jesus give before the girl was given new life? (8:50, 52, 54)
- How did Luke describe the sequence of events inside Jairus’s house? (8:53-56)
- What did Jesus tell the girl’s parents? (8:55-56)
Apply It
- For what people with long-term pain or other physical problems can you start to pray regularly?
- How should you be bold in the way you approach God?