There is a short introduction available for the book of 1 Corinthians. You can read it here.
Thanksgiving - 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Understand It
- How did Paul describe himself? (1:1)
- What themes did Paul repeat several times? (1:1-9)
- What specific truths did Paul affirm? (1:1-9)
- What kind of people were the Corinthian Christians? (1:2)
- What words of affirmation did Paul have for his readers? (1:2-3)
- For what traits of the Corinthians did Paul thank God? (1:4-9)
- In what ways had the Corinthian Christians been "enriched"? Why? (1:5-6)
- What did the Corinthian Christians have? (1:7)
- What spiritual gifts did the Corinthians have? (1:7)
- Why did the Corinthians not lack for any spiritual gift? (1:7)
- For what period of time were the Corinthians’ spiritual gifts given? (1:7)
- For what were the Corinthians waiting? (1:7)
- How would the Corinthians be able to live as God called them? (1:8-9)
- What words of encouragement did Paul include in his opening? (1:8-9)
- How are Christians able to live as God has called them? (1:8-9)
- To what has God called all Christians? (1:9)
Apply It
- How can you use your spiritual gift at least once this next week?
- What Christian do you want to affirm?
- In what part of your daily routine this week can you take time out to thank God?
- How can you remind yourself to say thank you to God at least once each day this week?
Divisions in the Church - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
Understand It
- On what basis did Paul appeal to the Corinthian believers? (1:10)
- Why did Paul ask the Corinthians to agree with one another? (1:10)
- What kind of action did the Corinthian church need to take? (1:10-17)
- What specific problem were the Corinthian Christians having? (1:11-12)
- How was Paul a part of the Corinthians’ problems? (1:13-17)
- How did baptism cause division in the Corinthian church? (1:13-17)
- What can result from preaching the gospel with "words of human wisdom"? (1:17)
- What did Christ enable Paul to do? (1:17)
- What danger is there in dividing a church? (1:17)
- What danger was Paul trying to avoid? (1:17)
- What’s wrong with preaching the gospel with "words of human wisdom"? (1:17)
Apply It
- What is the first step you could take to heal a damaged relationship with another Christian?
- How could you help your church leaders build the unity of your congregation?
Christ the Wisdom and Power of God - 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5
Understand It
- To whom is the message of the Cross foolishness? (1:18)
- To whom is the message of the Cross powerful? (1:18)
- How can people hear the message of Christ differently? (1:18)
- What does God’s message mean to the person being saved? (1:18)
- How does the message of the Cross contrast with what most people consider wise? (1:18-19)
- How does God get His message across? (1:19-31)
- How does God’s wisdom contrast with the world’s wisdom? (1:20)
- How did the demands of the Jews and Greeks contrast with the Corinthians’ hope? (1:22-23)
- How do God’s attributes compare with ours? (1:25-26)
- What were the Corinthians like before they were called? (1:26-27)
- How does God use the foolish and weak things of the world? (1:27)
- Why does God express His power and wisdom through "foolish," "weak," and "lowly" means? (1:28-29)
- What has Jesus Christ become for us? (1:30)
- What kind of boasting is good? (1:31)
- How did Paul’s regard for the world’s wisdom affect his preaching and testimony? (2:1-5)
- Why was it good that Paul came to Corinth in weakness and fear? (2:3-5)
- On what should our faith rest? (2:5)
Apply It
- To what area of your life now could you apply God’s "foolishness"? How?
- From whom can you learn more of God’s wisdom? How and when?
- How could you seek out God’s wisdom and power this week? Where?
- What can you do this week to witness for Christ in only God’s wisdom and not your own craftiness?